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For the rest of the day, Wanda couldn't shake the thought of y/n from her head. Steve had somehow convinced Tony to allow Bucky to eat dinner with them - and, even if Bucky didn't say a word the whole time, it was progress. Something that they weren't even giving y/n a chance to make.

Y/n had barely moved from where he was sat in his cell. He'd given up on sleep, closing his eyes was more like torture. All he could see was their faces, begging for their lives. He was drowning in his head. The cell had been plunged into darkness hours ago, but he continued to just stare at himself in the mirror, his eyes completely adjusted to the darkness. Y/n didn't want to avert his gaze, he knew that if he stared into the darkness he'd see their faces again. Hear their voices. Hear the explosions, the gunshots, the screams. Y/n wasn't even sure why he was being kept here, it felt like they were just trying to torture him, leaving him with nothing but his mind.

Y/n was suddenly ripped out of his thoughts by the sound of the heavy cell door opening, his eyes widening as he sat up straighter. One hand raising up as a ball of fire appeared in his palm, threatening to throw it at anyone who was coming in. Wanda's eyes widened a little at the sight of the fire in y/n's hands, standing frozen in the doorway. "Hey hey hey..." She whispered in a calming tone. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to come sit with you..." She murmured, nodding down to what she had in her hands. Wanda was carrying a tray with two glasses of milk, a plate of cookies, and a candle that seemed to have been accidentally extinguished. Y/n watched cautiously, seeming to hesitate a little before letting the fire in his hands disappear. Shuffling over ever-so-slightly on the bed so Wanda could sit beside him. Wanda smiled slightly as y/n shuffled over, making her way into the cell carefully - keeping her eyes trained on the tray so she didn't spill anything as she set it down on the bed. She sat down beside y/n, giving him a little space. "You could relight that candle though." Wanda suggested with a slight smile. Y/n watched Wanda in confusion, carefully reaching a hand out as a flame appeared on the tip of his finger, lighting the candle with ease. "Why're you doing this?" Y/n asked quietly, keeping his knees tugged tightly against his chest, watching as the flickering light danced around the small cell. He didn't understand why Wanda was being so nice. She was the first person to talk to him since he arrived - why? Wanda shrugged a little, her back leaning against the wall as she grabbed a glass of milk and a cookie. "Because I know how it feels to be in a place where you don't know anyone." Wanda hummed, slowly dipping the cookie into the milk before taking a bite. Of course there was more to it, but she didn't want to tell y/n that. She didn't want y/n to feel like a sympathy case. Wanda knew without even reading y/n's mind that his thoughts were more like torture - she just wanted to distract him for a while. Y/n watched as Wanda dipped her cookie into the milk, grabbing a glass and copying her out of curiosity. Gasping a little at the taste, causing Wanda to laugh a little. "Are those good?" She giggled, noticing y/n's face of surprise. "I made them earlier. Usually the team finishes them, but there were some leftover." Wanda smiled. Y/n nodded as he continued to eat. God, he hadn't had a cookie in a long, long time.

The pair sat beside one another for hours. Wanda told y/n stories, some true, some fake, but it didn't matter. Y/n listened to every word with intent, it was an escape for him, an escape from his own head. Y/n ended up falling asleep as Wanda continued to talk, his head resting on her shoulder. It was the first time he'd been able to fall asleep since his mind had been freed. And yes, he woke up many times due to nightmares, but Wanda was right by his side the whole time. It was nice to have somebody looking out for him.

The next morning soon rolled around, and Steve was up early, as usual. He was making his way down to the cells, planning on checking on Bucky. He hoped he'd been able to sleep, even a little bit, but that didn't seem possible at the moment. However, as he got to the cells, he ran into Vision. Vision was stood in front of y/n's cell, watching through the two way mirror with a frown on his face. Steve frowned in confusion, walking toward Vision. "You okay?" He asked, glancing in to the cell to see what Vision was looking at. His eyes widening a little in surprise at the sight of y/n and Wanda, fast asleep. Wanda was asleep sat up, and y/n had his head in her lap. "This is not allowed. Mr Stark told us directly not to communicate with y/n. I need to get Wanda out of there." Vision rambled, more concerned for Wanda's safety than anything else. He'd been told y/n was dangerous, he didn't want Wanda hurt again. Vision stepped forward, about to enter the cell when Steve suddenly stopped him. Steve's hand was on Vision's chest, holding him back ever so slightly. Giving him a slight smile as he glanced back at the pair. "Maybe we should leave them there. Sharing milk and cookies doesn't look like much of a danger." He said with a chuckle, trying to keep his voice down. "Plus, we know both Bucky and y/n have been struggling to sleep. If Wanda can help him, I think that's a good thing." He murmured, earning an understanding nod from Vision. "Can I at least take the tray?" Vision asked, not wanting any of the glasses to fall and smash. Steve shook his head with a soft laugh, setting his hands on Vision's shoulders and turning the vibranium synthezoid so he wasn't facing the cell anymore, turning him toward the hallway instead. "No, you can't." Steve smiled, gently pushing Vision so he'd start walking. "Go make breakfast or something, distract yourself. I'm sure Wanda will wake up soon." Steve prompted. Vision sighed in defeat, glancing back at Steve with hesitation before he begun to walk away. "Fine, but if anything happens I'll blame you!" He exclaimed, still keeping a pretty hushed tone to make sure they didn't wake up. "I'm sure you will." Steve chuckled, shaking his head fondly before he turned around, continuing to make his way to Bucky's cell.

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