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The whole team ran to defend Vision, not just y/n and Wanda.

He was like a magnet for Thanos' army. The mind stone was the only thing that they wanted, and they'd do anything to get to it. But, what they didn't know was that the team would do anything to protect him. Vision was more than just the mind stone. He was the best cook, the person that everyone had to sneak around if they wanted to break any rules, and, most of all, he was Wanda's lover.

By the time that Wanda and y/n found Vision, he could barely stand. He'd been battered and beaten by Thanos' army, and a deep gash on his stomach left far too much of his wiring exposed. There was an alien attacking him with as much might as it could muster, it had a staff that it used to repeatedly hit and attempt to stab Vision. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"Stay with him, I've got this." Y/n murmured as they hurried toward Vision. He picked up the pace, yelling at the alien to distract it before he blasted it off and away from Vision. Y/n chased after the alien, attacking it with a mixture of fire and energy blasts. He was there to support Wanda, and if that meant simply being a bodyguard, that was what he was going to do.

"Vis!" Wanda called out, rushing toward him with worried eyes. She knelt down beside him, struggling to pull him up on her own. "Come on, we need to move. We can't stay out here." She rushed out, allowing Vision to use her as support as she tried her hardest to guide him away from all of the chaos. "Why didn't you stay with Shuri? She can get the stone out, we know that she can-"

"There isn't enough time, Wanda. What Shuri is trying to do will take days." Vision explained in a pained tone. He lifted his head up, managing to make eye contact with y/n as he walked back toward them. It was the type of eye contact that lasted for a few seconds too long. A knowing look that Wanda seemed to be in denial of. He dug his heels into the ground to stop Wanda from guiding him anywhere else, letting out a slight breath as he glanced around at the massacre that Thanos' army had caused - no, the massacre that he'd caused. "There's no point in moving anywhere, my love. They'll simply follow me. They want the mind stone, nothing else, and there's only one way of stopping that." He sighed, moving so he was stood in front of Wanda. He gently cupped her face in his hands, giving her a sad, knowing nod.

However, before Wanda could say a word, the whole battlefield fell silent. Eerily silent. A strong gust of wind whistled through, seeming to add even more to the oddness of the situation. Everyone including Thanos' army had stopped, all glancing around for the source of the mass uneasiness.

Thanos had arrived. He had five stones, the mind stone was the final one.

Y/n felt as if his stomach had twisted into hundreds of different knots as he watched Thanos walk through a portal that he had created. He was the first person to make eye contact with him, and it sent chills down his spine. It was like he was staring into her soul. He prepared an orb of energy in each palm, tilting his head to the side as if to intimidate the purple giant, but, before he could strike, Steve and the rest of the team begun to attack him.

They were buying time.

Wanda had tears in her eyes as she stared up at Vision. She shook her head over and over again, holding on to his hands as tight as she possibly could. "No. I can't do that." She whispered in a shaky tone. She knew what had to be done, but she didn't want to accept it. She couldn't. She couldn't be the one to kill her soulmate. He was the only person that she had left. Wanda took a deep breath, suddenly slipping out of Vision's grip as she hurried her way toward y/n, who still had his back toward the pair. "Y/n. You have to do it. I can't. I-" She begged, trying her hardest not to completely break down.

Y/n turned to face Wanda with sad but serious eyes. He stood up a little straighter, his eyes flitting between her and Vision as he tried to come to a decision. No matter what, the stone had to be destroyed, but it didn't feel right for y/n to be doing it. He swallowed hard, beginning to shake his head as he set his hands on Wanda's shoulders. "Wanda, this is the one thing that I'm not going to do-"

"You said that you'd do anything I asked. You said that you'd do it." Wanda interrupted in a desperate tone. Tears were beginning to fall, her hands gripping at y/n's arms, she couldn't do it. Her voice was hushed, but that didn't matter. The pleading in her eyes was enough. "I'm asking you to do it. You said you would. Y/n-" Wanda cut herself off with a shaky breath. Her bottom lip was wobbling as she looked at y/n, she was desperate. "I can't do this. I can't."

"What will you do if I do it, Wanda?" Y/n asked genuinely. His eyes were beginning to sting with tears at the sight of Wanda being so upset. He could imagine himself in Wanda's situation, and it hurt. But, y/n had to be the one to open Wanda's eyes. "If I do it, you'll be stood there, watching Vision die. You'll watch him die at the hands of someone that you haven't spoken to in years." Y/n said seriously, keeping his hands on Wanda's shoulders. "Vision is terrified, Wanda. He's more scared than anyone else here. You should be the last face that he sees. Not me, you."

Wanda shook her head over and over again, letting out a broken sob as she tried to move out of y/n's hold. "I can't. I can't." She repeated over and over again. But y/n was right. She'd never be able to live with herself if she stood and watched Vision die. It had to be her, there was no other way.

Y/n moved to cup Wanda' face in his hands, forcing Wanda to look him in the eyes. "You can. I know you can." He whispered seriously, wiping Wanda's tears away with his thumbs. "I'll be there for you when it's over, okay? You won't be alone." Y/n reassured, slowly moving away from Wanda so she could begin to destroy the mind stone. Y/n met Vision's eyes over Wanda's shoulder, giving him a sad nod. There was no time for goodbyes, nor was there any need to say goodbye. Vision knew.

Wanda took a deep breath, nodding slowly as she listened to y/n. "Okay." She murmured brokenly, furiously wiping the tears from her face before she turned to face Vision. He was already on his knees, ready for Wanda to begin. She felt sick to her stomach, but she tried her hardest not to break down in front of him. It was already a horrible situation, and Vision doting over her would just make it worse.

Y/n turned his back toward the pair to give them some privacy, taking a shaky breath. He blinked hard to rid of the tears in his eyes, standing up a little straighter. However, just as y/n opened his eyes, he was met with Thanos' gaze.

He was stood several feet away, completely unharmed by the team's attacks. Everyone was either knocked out or trapped by Thanos' ability to shift reality. The only person to get through was y/n. If he got through y/n, he could get to Vision. Wanda would be far too heartbroken to fight.

"There's no point in staring, little one."

"I know, I'm just trying to pick the most satisfying way to kill you."

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