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The team had fallen right into Zemo's trap.

Zemo knew that he couldn't defeat the Avengers on his own. He didn't have powers, he didn't have an army, he was just a normal person. That was why he had y/n. He was his weapon to destroying the Avengers. They had to fight their own family. Zemo wasn't going to get his hands dirty, not at all. He was simply the puppet master, pulling strings in the background to destroy the Avengers.

In his own distorted way, he did feel bad for y/n. He was simply a catalyst in his plan. It wasn't personal toward him - well, it was, but Zemo didn't think of it that way. Y/n was just another chess piece. He had been planning on kidnapping either Bucky or y/n, and y/n just happened to leave himself exposed that night. Of course it would've been harder to kidnap Bucky because he couldn't teleport, but Zemo had his ways.

The team had decided to try and guide y/n away from the city. They didn't want the public to find out about what was going on. Y/n was getting so much positive publicity lately, it wasn't fair on him to have it ruined over something he couldn't control. Plus, the idea of people fearing y/n would break him. All he wanted was to have fun and help people along the way, not hurt them. The team had chosen an open field pretty far away from the city, hoping that it would be easier to fight him there due to there not being many places to hide. But, that also meant that the team were more exposed, they had nothing to hide behind either.

Sam had been tasked in guiding y/n away from the city, currently staying high up in the sky as y/n followed him on the country road down below. He could tell that y/n was under Zemo's control just by the look on his face. It was completely neutral - almost robotic - with a deathly look in his eyes. Sam couldn't help but find it a little funny, though. Y/n was still in his party outfit, he was looking great as he strutted down the road. "Look at that deathwalk! Get it, get it, get it, ayyy!" Sam laughed, hyping y/n up as he followed after him. Of course there was no reaction from y/n, and that just reinforced the fact that he was brainwashed. Y/n would've joined in on the hyping up if he was really there. "He's a maneater-"

"Sam. Not the time." Steve's voice over the earpiece cut Sam's singing off. Everyone else stayed silent, trying not to laugh. It was supposed to be a serious moment, and here Sam was, hyping someone up that wanted to kill him.

"Right, sorry." Sam apologised, trying to wipe the smile off of his face. He continued to guide y/n toward where the rest of the team were, humming along to the song instead. "Yup, and jump that fence. I know, a field is just going to get your outfit dirty, I tried to tell them! I said to them that you weren't going to appreciate dirt all over your nice clothes, but did they listen? No." Sam exclaimed, narrating the whole journey and talking to y/n as if he was actually listening. He found it pretty entertaining, wanting to bring some sort of light to the situation. But Steve wasn't very entertained. He'd already gone into that focus-mode of his.


The rest of the team waited in the tall grass, the sun beginning to set over them. "Remember, he's going to try and kill us. Not hurt us, kill us. So whilst we have to try and snap him out of it, don't stand in his line of fire for too long, okay? I don't want anyone else to end up like Peter." Tony commanded, glancing back at the rest of the team who were all spread out across the field. He was nervous. They all were. Y/n was powerful. Who knows what tricks he could play. Yes, there was only one of him and several of them, but that didn't mean y/n couldn't win.

Bucky was stood near the back, subconsciously flipping the knives in his hands. He was scared to face y/n. That was the person he loved, and he was about to try and kill him. He knew he'd been brainwashed and it wasn't the real y/n, but the idea of having to hurt him just felt impossible. All he wanted to do was hold him and never let go, but that was impossible. Bucky had to fight y/n. Usually they were inseparable, and now they were on opposing sides. It felt wrong.

Steve turned around to check on Bucky, clutching his shield tightly. It was weird to actually know how he was feeling for once. He'd had to fight Bucky when he was under Hydra's control, and it was a painful thing. Nothing can ever prepare someone to hurt the person closest to you. "Buck, it's not him. Remember that. Try and focus on snapping him out of it, but don't stand there and let him kill you." Steve said seriously, earning a nod from his best friend. He took a deep breath, glancing down at his shield as he begun to turn back around. "Sam, status?" He asked, holding a hand up to his earpiece. However, before he could hear Sam's response, he was suddenly kicked in the stomach by someone, sending him launching a few feet away.

It was Natasha. "Nat?" Steve asked in shock, quickly standing up as Natasha begun to attack him. He used his shield to block, confused as to why she was trying to hurt him. But, as he dodged one of her punches, he noticed something. Her eyes. They were a pure white, no pupils in sight. His eyes widened in realisation as he continued to block Natasha, quickly glancing around at the rest of the team. "Y/n's here! Keep on the lookout! If you have a helmet, keep it on, he's using mind control." He called out, suddenly hitting Natasha in the head in attempt to snap her out of y/n's control.

Y/n suddenly appeared a few feet away from Tony. A sick smile on his face as two fireballs appeared in his palms. "Everyone's come to see little old me? How sweet." Y/n cooed calmly. He didn't even seem to flinch when Tony raised a hand at him, ready to fire. Y/n simply lowered his hands into the grass, watching as the whole field begun to be slowly engulfed by the flames.

"Great. Who's idea was it that we'd fight him in a field? Did everyone forget about his fire powers?" Tony asked, jumping back as the flames made their way toward him. Not even realising as y/n disappeared once again.

"I didn't!" Sam called out over the earpiece, flying as fast as he could toward the rest of the team.

"Shut up, bird man!"

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