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"Peter, move." Tony repeated for the fifth time, his tone getting more and more aggressive and impatient.

Peter wasn't moving. He was buying as much time as he could for y/n and Bucky. It was hard for him to stand up to Tony, especially because, even though he'd never admit it, he viewed him as a father figure. But this was important to him. Y/n had always been there for him. Always. He wasn't just going to give up his best friend like that, not even for Tony.

"I think this doorway is pretty comfortable, actually." Peter murmured, still leaning awkwardly against the doorframe. He cleared his throat nervously, his forehead covered in sweat. "Oh! Did I tell you about how Aunt May might be getting a promotion?" He asked with wide eyes. Peter was doing anything and everything to stall and distract Tony from the situation. All he had to do was talk until y/n and Bucky were able to escape. Even he knew that there was no way that the pair were going to have a civil conversation with Tony.

Peter was right, there was no way in hell that Bucky and y/n were just going to give themselves up. They didn't even want to talk to Tony, let alone let him cuff them. Their emergency buttons had been pressed, meaning that T'Challa, Shuri, and the Dora Milaje were aware. All they had to do was evade the police until they arrived.

Their movements were slow and silent. Every single step was calculated, careful not to step on any of the creaky floorboards. Tony knew that they were in the apartment, but he wasn't sure where, and they wanted to keep it that way until they figured out a way to escape.

The first thing that y/n did was switch off all of the lights. It was a big move, and a possibly dangerous one, but it put the snipers at a disadvantage. With the lights on, the snipers could use shadows to aim their shots, but in the dark there was nothing to shoot at. Of course it led to Peter making up a terrible excuse that Aunt May had switched the lights into ones with motion sensors to 'save energy'. God, Peter was terrible at stalling, but y/n was grateful for him.

Bucky had debated on grabbing one of the kitchen knives, but after checking outside he decided against it. The plan was to escape, not engage in hand-to-hand combat. So his job was scan the apartment for other ways of escape.

They obviously couldn't run out of the front door with Tony there, and the fire escape was hopeless with so many guns pointed at the apartment. So there didn't seem to be many options. Y/n could blast open a wall into another apartment, but the risk of life was too high, and they would never be able to forgive themselves if something like that happened.

They were sitting ducks. Either waiting to get shot or waiting to get arrested.

Adrenaline and tension continued to run higher and higher as time continued to pass. Both of their minds were racing with thousands of thoughts, yet neither of them could vocalise it. All y/n and Bucky could do to communicate were hand movements, eye contact, or written notes. But written notes were far too time consuming, and Peter was running out of things to talk about. They were running out of time. Y/n could already hear the sound of heavy footsteps storming the building. He only had one final idea of escape, and it wasn't going to be a fun one. However, before y/n went through with the idea, he had one more thing that he wanted to do.

He slowly crept into Peter's bedroom, simply smiling when Bucky tried to stop him. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that the camera was activated in Peter's suit, and that it was probably livestreaming to some sort of website. Tony was arrogant like that. If y/n and Bucky were going to get caught, he wanted the whole world to watch.

Y/n sighed loudly, switching on Peter's lamp before he pulled open the closet door as far as it could go. He stared directly at the camera, a sweet but annoyed smile plastered across his face. "Hi! Y/n here, but I guess you already know that. You're all watching and waiting for us to get caught, right? How exciting!" He exclaimed in a condescending tone. "I can see the headlines already. 'The Mimic and The Winter Soldier arrested whilst millions around the world watched'! Sounds like a pretty good story, doesn't it?" He grinned, his eyes staying fixed on where he assumed the camera to be. On the inside, y/n was scared out of his mind, but he'd never pass up the chance to put on a show. Especially if it was going to annoy Tony.

He turned around with a sigh, sitting down comfortably on the edge of Peter's bed. He rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward with her eyes still fixed on the camera. "Well, I'm sadly here with the news that's probably going to disappoint you all. Bucky and I are not getting arrested tonight. But you'll probably get to see Tony have a temper tantrum, so that's fun!" He exclaimed with a shrug. "So, instead of this whole livestream being a waste of time, shall we get some better pictures for my mugshot? The photo on all of the posters around New York is horrible! We can do way better. Here, let me do some poses for you, and you can pick your favourite."

And that was what y/n did. He posed in front of the camera, as much as he could. From jokey poses to serious ones, he did everything. Y/n's confidence was completely fake. On the inside he was freaking out, but playing a character was fun. Plus, he knew that it was going to create an uproar on social media, and y/n would do anything to make sure that Tony saw his face and read his name as many times as possible.

Bucky couldn't help but watch y/n with a fond smile. Of course he'd make fun of a serious situation, of course. He wished that he had as much confidence as y/n, especially when it came to smart ideas like this. However, time was still running out. The sound of heavy footsteps and yelling was getting louder and louder, and it seemed to almost be on their floor. They had to get moving, there wasn't any more time for fun and games. So, Bucky loudly cleared his throat to gain y/n's attention.

As soon as y/n heard Bucky clear his throat, he stopped posing. "Well, that's my cue to leave! I love you all. Oh, and Tony, if you're watching this later, just know that I'm not afraid to tell them what you did to me after the Lagos incident." Y/n said seriously, but his sweet smile quickly reappeared. He blew a kiss to the camera before he shut the closet door, hurrying over to Bucky with a smug grin.

Bucky rolled his eyes at the smug grin on y/n's face. He pressed a kiss to his cheek as they moved out of the bedroom, his arm wrapping protectively around him. "Do you have a plan? Because I haven't got any more ideas."

Y/n nodded confidently, his bubbly character quickly disappearing as he begun to focus. He walked Bucky over to the living room, casually grabbing one of their backpacks by the front door on their way. Tony was yelling at Peter to move, but y/n completely ignored it. His eyes stayed fixed on Bucky as he strapped the backpack to himself. It was the only backpack that mattered. It was the one with his map in it. "We're jumping out of the window."

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you properly. We're what?!"

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