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The mission seemed to be going well. Far too well.

It was eerie, everyone constantly waiting to get attacked as they delved further and further into the play structure. The bright colours of the structure contrasting with the dark 'vines' just made it even worse. It was too quiet, too relaxed. The only sound that could be heard was different members of the team cursing as they tried to fit through small spaces that weren't designed for adults. The 'vines' seemed to be getting thicker and thicker as they explored deeper, and weird puddles of a blue liquid became more common on the ground. There were creatures living here, but nobody knew where. Everyone was constantly on edge.

Well, everyone except y/n.

Y/n was in his own little world, dancing around to his music as he planted the tiny bombs in every place that he could. If he was actually paying attention, y/n would've realised that he'd walked past quite a few of the creatures, but he wasn't. He was too busy dancing around with his eyes shut. If they wanted to attack, they would've by now. Y/n was light on his feet as he danced about, conveniently missing the weird puddles and the 'vines' by about an inch. They'd been specifically instructed not to touch the vine-like tendrils - it was too dangerous of a risk if the species was aggressive. Y/n was lucky that he was missing them, if Peter was there he would've definitely tripped over one of them by now.

Y/n backed into one of the 'rooms' in the play structure, his eyes shut as he danced around, tossing the tiny bombs around every now and again. He was lip-syncing along to the song blasting on his earphones as he danced, acting as if he was in the music video. Y/n would've sung along if he could, but he knew that it probably wasn't a good idea in the middle of an alien nest. Well, dancing wasn't a good idea either, but y/n was just going to ignore that. He reached down, picking up what he thought was a toy as he used it as a microphone for his lip-syncing. He was having a great time, a bright smile on his face as he danced. It would've been better if Peter was there, but this was still fun. However, his enjoyment was quickly cut short as he suddenly backed into... someone?

Y/n's eyes shot open, quickly jumping away from whoever he'd backed into. He turned to face who it was, his eyes wide as he half expected it to be Steve. But, it wasn't. It was a complete stranger. Y/n glanced down at his hands, a look of disgust on his face as he realised that he hadn't picked up a toy. He'd picked up an alien. It had the shape of a tiny T-Rex, except it was oozing with the same blue liquid from the vines. Disgusting, but seemingly not hostile. Y/n quickly dropped the alien, watching as it scurried away and out of the 'room'. Once the alien was gone, his attention was diverted back to the stranger stood just a few feet away. His shocked look turned to one of defensiveness and anger as he quickly grabbed his pistol, aiming it at the man. "Who the hell are you?" Y/n snapped, debating on reaching up to earpiece and alerting the rest of the team.

But, the man seemed to be as shocked as he was. He had picked up an alien like a microphone, too. And he had music blasting in his headphones, too. Yes, his headphones were much more old fashioned, but they were headphones. Y/n and the stranger had both been dancing around the play structure, they just managed to back into one another. The man quickly pulled his headphones off, letting them rest around his neck, the music still playing as he kept his eyes on y/n. "Oh, so we're doing it like this?" He said in a threatening tone, a similar defensive look on his face. He quickly pulled out his own gun, pointing it at y/n - but, it wasn't a gun he recognised, it was almost as if it was from outer space. Why did a human have a gun from space? "The name's Starlord. Who the hell are you?"

Y/n rolled his eyes, widening his stance slightly as he prepared to shoot the guy. He wasn't in the mood for made-up names, he'd heard enough from the team, he didn't need more from a random stranger. "Well, if you're using a fake name, then so am I. The name's Mimic." Y/n smirked, just teasing Starlord's stupid name. Of course he didn't actually call himself 'Mimic', he didn't want a hero name like that. He preferred his own name, especially after being named 'Soldier' for so long. "Now, why're you here? This is a restricted area." Y/n snapped, his smirk dropping back into an angry glare.

Starlord raised his eyebrows at y/n's teasing, keeping his gun pointed at him. "Mimic? Really? What's your special power, mocking everyone?" He teased back, tilting his head to the side with a smirk. "Why would I ever tell you my real name, anyway? I don't want anyone coming to find me after I shoot you." Starlord snapped confidently, charging up his gun. Damn, he really had no clue about y/n's powers.

Y/n scoffed slightly at the threat, glancing around as if to check he'd heard him correctly, but of course they were the only two people in the 'room'. "Don't make fun of my name if you don't even know who I am. Because I really doubt that you're the 'Lord of all stars'." Y/n quickly snapped back, not even realising that Starlord had avoided his previous question. "If you want to shoot me, go for it! What's the worst that could happen, hey? It's not like we're stood in an alien's nest, and a loud gunshot could probably wake them all up." He said sarcastically, setting his gun back into his holster. Instead, y/n begun to form two orbs of energy in his palms, ready to blast the man. "Do it. Shoot me. I'm in the mood for a fight." He smiled.

Starlord's eyes widened at the sight of the orbs in his palms, the grip on his gun beginning to falter slightly. Yeah, maybe he didn't just mock people. However, before he could speak, a voice from behind him caused the pair to freeze.

"Quill! What's going on?"

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