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Y/n had never run faster in his life.

He could just about make out Bucky's silhouette in the darkness of the night, and that was all that he needed to break out into a full sprint.

Bucky was still freaking out, desperately yelling at the hallucination to get away from him. He continued to back up, practically walking backwards in a circle. His hand was held out in front of him in a desperate attempt to defend himself, his eyes wide with pure terror and sadness. It didn't matter if he was just a hallucination, he was making him cry. He never wanted to upset y/n.

It was already a horrible sight, but as Bucky came more and more into view for y/n, it just seemed to get worse and worse.

He was bleeding heavily from the bullet wounds in his shoulder and leg, yet he was too out of it to even realise. His clothes were covered in thick, red blood, causing them to stick to the severely open wounds. It was a miracle that Bucky was even awake, let alone standing, but the hallucination seemed to be severe enough to keep his mind distracted.

The sight of all of the blood caused y/n's heart to sink. He stopped running, standing still in the tall grass out of pure disbelief. It felt like deja vu. Bucky had almost died in this field before because of y/n, and it was his fault once again. Yes, at least this time he wasn't plunging a blade into his chest, but they would've never been caught if it wasn't for him wanting to keep a stupid promise for Peter.

Tears pricked at his eyes as he watched Bucky continue to yell and shout into the nothingness, but he didn't take any more steps toward him. He couldn't, and it wasn't just because of the deja vu. The pair were pretty equipped on how to deal with hallucinations, and running up to Bucky and touching him was simply going to scare him even more. His current state of mind left him unsure of what was real and what was fake, and touching him could just lead to y/n getting injured. So, the only thing he could do was try and talk him down.

"Bucky. It's me, I'm over here. Can you hear me?" Y/n asked in a calm tone, using all of his energy to not let his voice waver even slightly. All he wanted to do was hold him and scream out for help, but he couldn't. Unlike last time, Bruce wasn't there to treat him straight away. Their only hope were the Wakandans, and they hadn't arrived yet.

Bucky whipped around at the sound of y/n's voice, his eyes wide in surprise. It was obvious that he wasn't entirely there, his pupils were far too dilated to not still be in the hallucination - or it may have just been all of the blood loss, or a mixture of the two. But, the sight of there being two of him just seemed to freak Bucky out even more. He didn't know who to trust. One of them was sobbing and begging, and the other was stood several feet away. Even if he was sure that the crying one was fake, he didn't trust the other y/n either. It didn't matter that he was covered in scratches and bruises, it could be another trap.

He shook his head over and over again, practically hyperventilating as he glanced between the two. It was all far too much, and far too terrifying. Especially due to the fact that for Bucky, y/n was stood in a perfect field on a sunny day, not in a dark field with a dark past. "You're not real! Get out of my head!" He yelled toward the real y/n, raking a hand through his hair out of stress. He couldn't deal with it anymore. He had to get out of the hallucination.

Y/n tried his hardest not to flinch as Bucky yelled at him. He took a shaky breath in an attempt to calm himself down, his eyes staying trained on Bucky. He couldn't cry. He had to focus on Bucky. His own fears and worries weren't as important as his situation. "Buck, look at me." He instructed, continuing to force a calm tone as he took a few steps toward the male. "You're hallucinating. Nothing that you're seeing is real, but I am, and you need to let me help you. Can you do that for me?"

The Mimic (HE/HIM VERSION)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ