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"Y/n. This is too dangerous."

Visiting Peter wasn't on the map, nor had it been part of y/n's main travel plans, yet he seemed determined to get to America. To get to the riskiest place in the world for y/n and Bucky. To get to the city that was just a quick car ride away from the compound. It was so, so dangerous. The only advantage that they had was the fact that both of them knew the city like the backs of their hands, but law enforcement probably did too. It was like jumping into a snake pit.

It was weird to see y/n so determined over something like this. Usually Bucky could talk him down from crazy ideas - and he'd had to quite a lot during their travels - but he didn't seem to be listening this time. There was almost a sense of urgency to him, like there were no other options but to visit Peter, and Bucky had no idea why. He knew that they were close, but this seemed to be far more than just a case of missing somebody. There was something that y/n needed to do.

As per usual, Bucky was correct with his guesses. There was something that y/n needed to do, and he wasn't taking 'no' for an answer. He completely understood the implications of travelling to America, but what he was going to do was far more important. Once y/n had a plan in his mind, there was nothing that could stop him. It was a blessing and a curse.

The whole day of travelling had been one big whirlwind for the pair, especially Bucky. He'd been practically dragged through airports, streets, and subway stations by y/n. The relaxation in his mind seemed to be completely gone. No time for small talk, no time to stop. The only time where Bucky could even get a word in was when they finally sat down on the subway.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or are you just going to drag me around in silence for the whole time that we're here?" Bucky murmured under his breath, a hint of frustration in his voice. He couldn't help but be a little annoyed with the whole situation. The only information that y/n had given him was the fact that they were visiting Peter, and usually for one of y/n's travel plans he'd ramble about it for the whole flight. It was odd. But the main thing making him a little more agitated than usual was the fact that he had to stay on high alert. Y/n didn't seem to be processing the fact that one wrong move could get them caught and arrested in seconds, so it was his job to scan their surroundings every five seconds.

Y/n sighed, pulling the hood of his jacket up to protect his identity a little more as he rested his head on Bucky's shoulder. He too was on high alert, but didn't make it as obvious as Bucky. Scanning around was just going to create more unwanted attention. "Peter has a school dance tonight. He told me about it months and months ago - y'know, before everything went to shit - and I promised him that I'd be there to help him prepare. So we're going through with that promise." He hummed, making sure to keep his voice low.

To anybody else, it was an insane reason to be risking their freedom. But to y/n and Bucky, it made sense. He still believed that he was crazy, but he wasn't surprised. Y/n never broke a promise. Never. He'd been fed lies his whole life, and he never wanted to be the person to do that to someone else. Promises were serious, it didn't matter if they were something insignificant or something life-threatening, y/n would keep that promise.

This was Peter's first official dance with MJ. He was going to be scared out of his mind. And that was where y/n came in. He was going to make sure everything was perfect for Peter. It was almost a sibling relationship between the pair, with y/n being the big brother that always looked out for him. Just like how Nat acted as a big sister to y/n.

Bucky couldn't help but smile fondly as he was finally given an explanation. He rested his head back on the window behind him, puffing out a breath of amusement from his nose. "So this is why we bought that suit from Paris, even though it was way too small for me?" He asked, chuckling as y/n responded with a nod. It was sweet. As much as he hated Peter, y/n's protectiveness over him was always something that he liked to see.

However, as Bucky thought deeper into it, his fond smile seemed to falter a little. "You know that Peter was on Tony's side during the fight, right?" He murmured, sitting up a little straighter. He couldn't help but wonder if they were going to be walking straight into a trap. The Avengers weren't exactly together anymore, there was no telling where Peter's loyalties were going to lie. "What if he turns us in? Or what if Aunt May or MJ turn us in? We're not exactly being portrayed as angels in the news right now, Doll. I've seen our faces on posters more than our own reflection."

Y/n tensed up a little at the mention of being turned in by Peter. He begun to fiddle with the zipper of his jacket, taking a nervous breath as he thought through the whole scenario. It would be the ultimate betrayal. Peter turning them in would hurt him more than when he discovered that it was Bruce and Tony that had locked him up. Peter was his best friend. If he turned him in, he wouldn't even know how to react. They could be walking straight into a trap, but y/n believed that Peter would at least try and warn them beforehand.

He shook his head with a sigh, trying his hardest to ignore the fuzzy feeling that had appeared in his head. All of his excitement had been shifted into fear. Thinking of ways to escape Peter's apartment had never been on his mind until now, and it felt wrong. It felt wrong not to trust his best friend. But it was necessary. There was no point in turning back now, so they had to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. All he wanted to do was to fulfil a promise. If he didn't want them there, they'd leave.

"I trust him." Y/n whispered in a shaky tone. It was obvious that he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. Peter wouldn't turn them in, right?

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