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Everything hurt.

Y/n was laying on his back, his dilated pupils staring up at the sky and foliage above him. The soil underneath him stuck neatly into the new gash on the back of his head. The impact of his spine hitting the tree made his back feel as if it had been smashed by a sledgehammer, it was a mind-numbing, tingling pain, but that just seemed to add to the long list of terrible things that y/n was feeling.

From the violent headache searing through his head from his attempt at mind control, to the constant dry heaving that his body was doing in an attempt to puke all of the blood back up - it was horrible.

His vision was comparable to staring through a frosted window - fuzzy and blurry. He could barely make out any shapes. Everything just seemed to blend into one big mess. And to top it all off, his hearing didn't seem to be any better than his vision. It was as if his head had been dunked underwater (a common experience for y/n whenever he overused her powers), but this seemed worse. He wasn't sure why, but he just couldn't seem to shake it.

Y/n let out a laboured, shaky breath as he forced himself to roll onto his front, using his forearms for support. Dirt and stones dug into every cut and graze on her arms. He blinked over and over again in a desperate attempt to focus his vision, ignoring the warm sensation of blood on the back of his head. "Come on..." He whispered to himself through gritted teeth, continuing to blink as he scanned the area for the silhouettes of Thanos, Wanda, and Vision.

Just as y/n turned his head in the right direction, Wanda destroyed the mind stone.

The intense explosion sent shockwaves throughout the whole battlefield. Y/n was knocked straight back into the tree and onto the ground again, managing to hit his head in the exact same spot as last time. But that didn't matter, no aftereffects of the explosion mattered. Wanda had done it. She had destroyed the mind stone. She'd stopped Thanos, right?

Y/n used all of his energy to mimic super solider strength, forcing himself to sit upright in the shrubbery as he caught sight of Wanda crying on the ground. All y/n wanted to do was get to her, he had to get to her. He'd promised Wanda that he'd be by her side. However, as Thanos calmly begun to approach Wanda, y/n realised something that made his heart drop.

The time stone.

If Thanos could reverse something that would've killed y/n, there was no way that he couldn't reverse the death of Vision.

"No!" Y/n and Wanda screamed in unison.

Thanos swung his fist at Wanda, striking her hard enough to send her flying into a nearby rock. Wanda hit her head hard on the rock, joining y/n in the fight of staying awake. She watched in pure terror as Thanos reversed time with a simple close of his fist. All of her work, all of her heartbreak of saying goodbye, all of her distress, reversed in a matter of seconds.

Y/n gritted his teeth, his arms shaking from using them to hold himself upright. His body was screaming at him to lay back down in the shrubbery, but he couldn't. His vision and hearing had just about cleared up, it was just a matter of time for his body to wake up again and keep pushing. He had to get to Wanda. If he couldn't defeat Thanos, then he had to be there for Wanda, that was what he'd promised.

It didn't take long for Vision to be brought back to life. He was on his knees, on the ground, again. But instead of opening his eyes and being met with the sight of his lover, he was met with the menacing sight of Thanos. His face dropped in shock, but before he could move, Thanos picked him up by the neck. Thanos' other hand sunk straight into Vision's forehead, plucking out the mind stone with ease.

It was like taking candy from a baby.

Thanos' eyes stayed fixed on the mind stone, a satisfied smile appearing on his face as he threw Vision's lifeless body to the side as if he weighed nothing. He hummed quietly to himself, admiring the beauty of the yellow stone in his palm for a few moments. He lifted his other hand up, gently placing the final stone into the gauntlet.

Thanos had every single stone.

He yelled out in pain as the power of the mind stone surged through him, but nobody felt sympathy for him. Even in death, nobody would mourn. He was sick. But he didn't care. Of course he didn't. Thanos had all of the stones. He only had one step to his plan. One unstoppable step.

A satisfied smile appeared on Thanos' face as he slowly lifted his gauntlet, preparing to snap his fingers. He closed his eyes, wanting to take in the moment. But, just before he could snap, Thor swooped in. He attacked Thanos with a mixture of thunderbolts and attacks from his axe, striking the purple alien further into the forest and far away from everyone else.

As soon as Thanos was struck away from them, Wanda and y/n broke out into a full sprint to Vision's body. Well, y/n's sprint was more of a struggled, dizzy limp.

Wanda fell to her knees beside Vision, tears streaming down her face as she ran her hand over the hole that Thanos had left in his forehead. Vision was gone. Completely gone. Her soulmate. The only person that she'd ever truly loved. The only person that had ever loved her. Her crying seemed to worsen and worsen with every second that passed, whispering gentle things to Vision's body as if he'd be able to hear her.

Y/n soon reached Wanda, kneeling down beside her as he pulled her into his arms. He kept a tight hold on her, a sad frown appearing on his face as Wanda completely crumbled into his arms. He listened to her broken sobs and whispers, and he felt every single gasp for breath. It was horrible. There was nothing that y/n could say to make it better. The only thing that he could do was be by Wanda's side.

Y/n knew that Wanda had been through a lot of death in her life, but that didn't mean that mourning was any easier. It was a suffocating, engulfing feeling, and nothing could soothe it. But at least this time Wanda wasn't alone.

At least this time she had y/n, and y/n wasn't going anywhere.

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