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The dinner at the Citadel with the team was amazing. There was an array of different foods from all the different tribes in Wakanda, each bringing their own little twist on things - and of course the team made sure to thank the tribes after. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, some even going back for seconds. Steve had never seen a dinner table so quiet, especially with the amount of loud personalities in the team. But, everyone was quiet. The only sound that could be heard were the clinks of knives and forks against plates, and a few little murmurs here and there. It wasn't for any bad reason, not at all. The team was happy. Everyone was just exhausted and hungry after such a good day. Aching feet from walking around, stinging eyes from the heat, and sore cheeks from smiling so much. It was a rare, comfortable quiet. Just enjoying the food, and enjoying the wind-down from the busy day. Even Peter was quiet, and that was saying something - usually when he could eat with the team he'd be talking the whole time. Tony expected him to do the same today, especially after spending most of the day in Shuri's lab. But he was as quiet as everyone else, his head resting in his hand whilst the other held his fork. Steve leant over a little so he could look further down the table where T'Challa was sat, giving him a grateful nod. Steve mouthed a silent 'thank you' to the king, a warm smile on his face. T'Challa just smiled and nodded back in understanding. This type of quiet was always a good thing, it meant that everyone had had a good day.

Once dinner had ended, everyone seemed to go their separate ways, wanting to get the most out of the time they had left before they flew back to the compound. T'Challa had offered for them to stay another day, but Peter had school in the morning. Aunt May thought he was hanging out with Ned for the day, she had no clue about all of this, and she'd probably have a heart attack if she did.

Steve offered to help clean up, not taking 'no' for an answer when T'Challa said he didn't have to. He wanted to make sure that they knew how much the team appreciated all of this. "I know I've already told you this, but I have to thank you again for all you've done today. You didn't have to accept us into Wakanda, but you did, and we're grateful." Steve smiled, picking up the dirty plates so they could be taken to clean. "Is there any way to repay you?" He asked curiously. T'Challa shook his head with a chuckle, deciding to help clean up and give the workers a break for the night, they deserved it. "No, all I ask is for you to help us out if we are ever in need." He hummed. "You can always come back to Wakanda, even if it is just to visit. You do not need to repay us."

Y/n had decided to spend his last hour or so on top of one of the mountains, just enjoying the view, and the sunset. He'd had such a good day, from the training to the fun at the market. His whole body was sore from being on-the-go all day, but it was worth it. It was a nice pain, it just let him know of all the good memories he'd made. Just like that soreness after a long summer's day, not intrusive, just a nice reminder of the good things. He sighed quietly to himself as he sat down on the cool grass, his feet dangling off of the edge. Y/n enjoyed the peace of being up in the mountains, just watching the bustling city down below. That was when he heard some footsteps on the gravelly path behind him, but, he didn't turn around to check who it was. He had a good idea of who it was, and he was right. Bucky strolled over and sat down beside y/n, leaving a small distance between himself and the relaxed male. He gave him a small smile when he glanced over, but he didn't say a word, just wanting to enjoy the view.

The pair sat in silence for a while, just seeming to reflect on their own days. But, Bucky soon broke the silence. "What are we?" He asked with a slight frown, but he didn't turn his head to face him. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the odd question, his eyes trained on the sunset. "What do you mean?" He asked slowly. Bucky sighed a little with a shrug, resting his elbows on his knees as his feet dangled over the edge. "Well, I was just thinking about what Natasha and Sam did earlier..." He murmured, hesitating a little between words. "It just- It just got me thinking about how I've never really thought about our relationship. It just happened. But I don't know what 'it' is." He sighed. Y/n nodded slowly, completely agreeing with what Bucky said, he was feeling the same. He didn't know what their relationship was, and he didn't know how he felt about Bucky, but everything just seemed to be so natural. "Well, do you want it to be like what Sam and Nat did?" Y/n asked, still just watching the sunset. It seemed easier not to make eye contact. Bucky shrugged, taking a deep breath out of hesitation. "I don't know. I don't know what I want. But I know I like whatever we have." He admitted, a small smile seeming to creep on to his face. Y/n smiled slightly, looking down to fiddle with the bracelet on his wrist out of nervousness. He couldn't believe he felt nervous around someone - and it wasn't the fear of messing up, it almost felt like butterflies. "Well, I like whatever we have too. So, I think we should just see how it plays out. We don't need to put a label on it. We'll figure it out eventually." Y/n hummed, finally looking up at Bucky, his cheeks a slight shade of pink. Bucky looked up at y/n at the same time, giving him a bashful grin. "Let's do that. No labels." He agreed, reaching out and wrapping an arm around y/n, pulling him closer. Y/n leant comfortably into Bucky as they fell into silence again, averting his gaze back to the sunset. Bucky rested his head on top of y/n's, a happy smile plastered across his face as they enjoyed the sunset together.

Just y/n and Bucky, enjoying the moment. No labels.

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