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It was showtime.

The sight before them was eerie - a stomach-dropping moment to say the least. Every person in the Wakandan army, every Avenger in Wakanda, all lined up at the border, prepared for battle. It was completely silent, not even the sound of fidgeting or shuffling could be heard. Everyone was still. Completely still.

It was a sea of determined and focused faces, but everyone that was stood there knew that it was just a front. Everyone was terrified. Full of dread. If someone was able to look closely, they'd be able to tell that spears and shields were trembling. Hell, the only reason why everyone was so quiet was because they were too busy running things through in their mind - and no, it wasn't the typical wondering of leaving the stove on, it was the wondering of what the last words that they'd said to their families were. Everyone was prepared to die if it meant that the world was going to be saved.

The fear was understandable, of course. Fighting a giant army of aliens wasn't exactly a common experience. Nobody knew how aggressive they were going to be, nobody knew how many there were going to be, nobody knew anything. They were going in blind, and that was probably the scariest part.

Y/n almost felt sick with nerves as he stood beside the rest of the team. He had Natasha on his right, and Bucky on his left. His eyes, like everyone else's, were fixated on the edge of the Wakandan border. Waiting. His hand was intertwined with Bucky's, both in a desperate search of comfort and reassurance, yet there were no words that could be uttered. They could only exchange occasional glances and hand squeezes. It wasn't enough, it was far from enough, but that was all that was possible. They didn't have time for another conversation, or another hug, or even any more words of reassurance.

All y/n had to focus on was the fact that once it was all over, he'd be able to relax with and eat the most artificial cheeseburger in the world, and all Bucky had to focus on was the hope that they'd still be able to stargaze and finish off the evening on a nicer note.

It was a mission. Yes, a longer mission than usual, but a mission all the same. Missions always had an end, right?

Y/n took a nervous breath, squeezing Bucky's hand once more before he let go. He wanted to hold on forever, of course he did, but the pair also had to be ready to fight at any second, and holding hands wasn't very helpful. Y/n tucked his necklace into her mission suit, his hands falling down to the holsters on his hips and legs, trying to figure out what to use. Bucky had a giant machine gun, y/n didn't.

However, before he could choose, a loud crash sounded at the edge of the border. Followed by another crash, and another, and another.

In a matter of seconds, screeches and guttural growls from Thanos' army sent echoes throughout the once-silent area, and before they knew it, thousands of murderous aliens begun to throw themselves at the forcefield. They stacked on top of one another, clawing and writhing in attempt to get themselves in. And, some of them actually managed to get in. It was too much pressure on the forcefield, and more and more aliens seemed to be forcing themselves inside...

Everyone continued to stand still, staying in formation as they waited for T'Challa's command. It was obvious that nerves and adrenaline were getting the best of many people, yet nobody moved. Not a single step was taken, not a single shot was fired. Everyone was simply counting down the seconds until the forcefield surrounding Wakanda was released and they were finally able to fight.

"Now!" T'Challa yelled.

And, just like that, the forcefield opened and everyone begun to race toward the army of aliens.

T'Challa and Steve seemed to take an early lead in the running, utilising their super solider strength (or variation of it) to run faster than anyone else. Their aim was to push the army out of Wakanda. The furthest the aliens were from Vision, the better chance they had.

Y/n and Bucky could've easily joined Steve and T'Challa up ahead, hell, y/n desperately wanted to, but Bucky didn't. "I have a machine gun, y/n. It's for long range. My best bet is to be far away, not up close and personal." Bucky explained over the war cries and screeches. "You can go! Go kick some alien ass, I'll be right here when you need me." He smiled, pulling out his gun as he begun to shoot at any aliens coming toward him.

Of course he didn't want y/n to leave his side, but he also didn't want to hold him back. He was strong, much stronger than him, there was no point in forcing him to stay by his side when he could prove to be far more helpful elsewhere. Plus, he knew how much of an adrenaline junkie y/n was. During training sessions, he'd always smile, even if he'd been knocked to the ground around ten times. He was stupid, but only Bucky was allowed to think that.

Y/n hopped from foot to foot as adrenaline coursed through him, he was desperate to run up ahead, and he knew that Bucky knew that. His face seemed to light up when Bucky gave him permission to go - not that he needed permission, but it was nice that they were on the same page, he didn't want it to cause another one of their mid-mission bickering sessions. "Let me know through the earpiece if you need help, okay?" He said seriously, pressing a firm kiss to Bucky's cheek before he begun to sprint away. "I love you!"

"Love you too!" Bucky called out, watching as y/n mimicked super soldier strength and disappeared into the sea of aliens and people. He had a stupid smile on his face the whole time, and it was only when Natasha called out his name that he realised that he'd been staring. His eyes widened slightly, quickly focusing back on shooting at Thanos' army, but that fond smile still hadn't disappeared. He'd tuned his earpiece to always hear y/n's voice, and god, he'd forgotten how much he talked to himself during fights. No wonder why him and Peter got along so well. His running commentary of 'pew pew's and 'take that's (and the occasional swearing) was probably the only thing keeping Bucky going.

The Mimic (HE/HIM VERSION)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя