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Y/n's ears were ringing.

The sound of distant yelling and gunshots were slowly getting louder and louder as he regained consciousness. "Fuck..." He murmured to himself, opening his eyes to find that he was on the ground and amongst the rubble. Y/n reached up to set a hand on the side of his head, searching for any sort of injury as he tried to regain focus. He had been going at full speed on that motorcycle, so crashing wasn't really a pleasant experience. The dust from the rubble filled his lungs with every breath, causing his chest to tighten and his throat to sting. After checking the back of his head for any injuries, y/n moved her dirt-covered hand around to the front. He almost immediately hissed in pain, his fingers coming in contact with a gash just under his hairline. The blood was warm and thick, embedding itself into his hair and dripping down his face. Maybe choosing not to wear a helmet wasn't the best idea. "Y/n!" A faraway voice yelled, causing y/n to look up to find the source of the noise. Everything sounded like it was underwater, his vision blurry and struggling to catch up with any movement. He'd hit his head harder than he expected.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" The voice called out again, snapping y/n out of the distorted state of shock that he was in. Sam was stood over him, the shadow of his wings blocking out the bright sun. A look of concern was plastered across his face as he stared down at him. He'd watched the whole thing happen. Everyone did. It was a nasty crash. "Here, I'll fly you back to the quinjet. You can't fight like this." He sighed, reaching a hand out for y/n to take. As much as he wanted to check y/n over for injuries, he didn't have the time. Rumlow and his team were actively attacking the institute, and Steve needed as much help as he could get. The best that Sam could do was fly y/n away from danger.

Y/n quickly shook his head at the offer to be taken back to the quinjet. "No, no. I'm all good. I can keep fighting." He forced out, taking Sam's hand as he hoisted him up and onto his feet. He took in a sharp breath, his body aching from the force of the crash. "I'm all good." He repeated, trying to convince himself that what he said was true. Y/n was determined to carry on with the mission. He had to keep going. This was his chance to get revenge for what Rumlow did to Bucky. "All good." He repeated again, ignoring the blood that was steadily dripping down his face. Y/n took in another deep breath, letting go of Sam's hand as he begun to mimic super soldier strength. As soon as y/n begun to mimic super soldier strength, the pain and the fog in his brain faded into the background. He stood up a little straighter, the adrenaline rush bringing a newfound energy to y/n. "Go help. I'm fine." He commanded, cracking his neck and knuckles as he prepared to fight.

Sam watched y/n with nervous eyes, his face caught in a deep frown. He didn't believe for one second that he was 'fine'. That gash on his head looked painful. "Are you sure?" He asked, his voice laced with concern. But, the only response he got from y/n was a simple nod before he walked away. Sam cursed under his breath, shaking his head as he watched him walk toward the chaos. He didn't have a good feeling about all of this.

"Cap, where do you need me?" Y/n asked over his earpiece, traversing through the rubble and dust. His earpiece was almost completely destroyed. The only thing that was holding it together were the wires. Every voice sounded crackly and robotic, but there was nothing that y/n could do about it. He'd rather deal with robotic voices than not be able to communicate at all with the team. Y/n reached up with a sigh, using the back of his hand to wipe the blood off of his cheek. Even if he couldn't feel the pain, he knew that the gash on his head was bad. It was bleeding far too much for a small cut.

"Help Wanda get the poisonous gas out of the building. I'm going after Rumlow." Steve commanded, his voice robotic and broken on y/n's side of the earpiece.

Y/n nodded at the command, glancing around in attempt to spot Wanda in all of the chaos. He almost wished that Steve had given him a more action-packed job to do, but he knew that getting the gas out of the building was vital. Y/n wanted to be the one to hunt Rumlow. He wanted revenge. But, he had to focus on the job at hand for now. "Got it." He sighed.

It didn't take long to find Wanda ducked behind one of the pillars at the front of the building. Sam was stood on the other side of the pillar, protecting Wanda from any attacks. They had to get the gas out of the building, and soon. Y/n raced toward Wanda, ducking as much as possible to dodge the constant spray of bullets aimed at him. As soon as he reached the pillar, y/n quickly pressed himself against it, trying his hardest to catch his breath. "What does Rumlow want from here, anyway?" He asked with a frown, glancing toward Wanda who was busy blasting enemies away. "Bioweapons." Wanda responded bluntly, not even glancing over at y/n.

Y/n and Wanda's relationship was still pretty icy. It had been ever since the Zemo incident. Wanda just couldn't seem to forgive y/n after he almost killed Vision. She knew it wasn't y/n's fault, but she just couldn't take the image out of her head. Wanda had already lost her parents and her brother, she couldn't deal with another loss. Vision was all that she had left, and the fact that y/n almost took that from her was terrifying. The whole situation was sad, really. Y/n and Wanda used to be so close, but now they barely even uttered a word to one another. It hurt.

Y/n took a slight breath as he prepared himself to mimic Wanda's powers. Usually it wouldn't be a struggle, but this time it meant that he'd have to stop mimicking super soldier strength. The super soldier strength was probably the only thing keeping him standing up, so this transition wasn't going to be a fun one. "Ready, Wanda?" He asked, trying to stall as much as possible. Y/n leant up against the pillar with a nervous sigh. That pillar was probably going to be the only thing keeping him on his feet. He glanced over at Wanda, forcing a smile when he nodded.

As much as y/n wanted to avoid what he had to do, it was time to get to work. He let go of the super soldier strength, beginning to mimic Wanda's powers as the pair worked together to get the gas out of the building.

Everything seemed to happen at once. Every window of the building smashed, creating a horrible noise and a deadly spray of glass shards to the people down below. But, y/n was more focused on the pain in his body than the glass shards. His whole body was in pain, and the gash on his head seemed to begin to bleed even heavier. The ringing in his ears came back with force, leaving y/n only able to hear the sound of his shaky breaths. But, y/n had no choice but to keep pushing. He had both hands reached out as y/n and Wanda controlled the gas, forcing it out of the building and up into the air. They had to keep it contained in the air for as long as possible. Nobody knew how strong that gas was, they just knew it was poisonous.

Y/n ignored the pain for as long as possible, focusing on the gas to distract herself. The pain was beginning to take over his mind, his eyes sore from staring up at the bright sky for so long. Everything hurt. He was sure that he had more severe injuries on her body somewhere, but there was no way of checking now. That was the problem with wearing civilian clothes, no protection. But, just as y/n was about to give up, he spotted something.


Rumlow had jumped from the building, and was beginning to sprint away. Y/n couldn't pass up that invitation. He was right there. He could catch him with ease. This was his time to get revenge. "I'll get him, Cap!" He called out, mimicking super soldier strength once again as he begun to chase after Rumlow. Y/n wanted to be the one to catch him. He had to be.

"No, y/n! Stay with Wanda!" Steve called out, but y/n just seemed to ignore him.

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