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Y/n's eyes shot open.

That voice. He knew exactly who that was. But, instead of relief washing over him like it should've, y/n was full of doubt. There was no way it could be who he thought it was. No way at all. Bruce had made it very clear that he wasn't going to have any visitors. Hell, he'd been lucky to even get that letter from Bucky.

He sighed slightly in defeat, resting his tired head back onto the ground. It was probably just a new addition to the voices in his head. His own mind tortured him more than anyone else could. Y/n had thought that he'd gained some sort of control over it all, especially because the voices were only usually from his victims or the man in the suit, but apparently not. Apparently his mind had decided to add the people that were closest to him into the mix. God, it was painful hearing that voice again. But at least if y/n was going to die he could focus on that voice whilst it happened.

"Are you going to get up or not? I don't have all day, y'know." The voice asked after a few moments of silence. To see y/n so full of doubt hurt, being locked up had seriously messed with his mind.

Y/n almost seemed to freeze as the voice chimed in again over the speakers. Excitement washing over him as he quickly sat up.

She wasn't hearing things. It was Natasha. It was really Natasha.

Y/n glanced over at the mirror with happy eyes, hoping that he was looking at the right area of the two-way mirror to actually be looking at Nat. A small smile begun to play at his lips, his mind running at a million miles an hour in attempt to figure out why Nat was there. He knew that her and Bruce were close, but he hadn't heard from him in at least two weeks.

"What're you doing here?" Y/n asked in surprise, his voice hoarse from not speaking for so long. He let out a slight huff as he got up from the ground, using his bed as a form of support. His body was so weak from not eating for so long. But he'd do anything that Nat told him to do.

"We're breaking you out, dipshit!" Natasha exclaimed with a laugh. It was sad that y/n hadn't realised what was going on, but Nat wanted to make light of the situation. Y/n deserved to smile and laugh. He didn't deserve another dark experience. They were finally getting him out. She didn't want to focus on that fact that y/n was in a really bad way. At the moment all y/n needed was to be around the team - well, what was left of it at least.

Y/n's hand slapped over his mouth in surprise. The utter amount of relief that washed over him was immense, he couldn't even put it into words. Of course y/n probably should've been able to clue it together as soon as he heard Natasha's voice, but he didn't. He had truly believed that he'd never escape from the cell. Unbeknownst to y/n, he had been in that cell for almost a whole year. A whole year of pure torture.

Tears begun to form in his eyes, a genuine smile obvious under the hand that covered his face. He was going to see Bucky again. He was going to see Bucky. Y/n quickly reached out to grab Bucky's letter from under his pillow, handling it as if it was a piece of glass. He couldn't help it. That letter was so precious to him. It was the only spark of hope that he'd had for months. "Is Bucky here?" He asked curiously, his smile only seeming to widen as he heard Nat laugh over the speaker.

Of course Bucky was going to be the first thing that y/n would mention. Of course. A fond smile appeared on Nat's face as she watched y/n through the two-way mirror. Her hands were leant against the desk, patiently waiting as she downloaded all of the camera footage and files to different hard-drives. That was Natasha's main job, but she couldn't help but talk to y/n. She was just so happy to see him after so long. "No, but we're taking you to him as soon as we get you out of here." Nat reassured with a smile.

It had been a seriously hard few months. It was almost nice that y/n was oblivious to it all, but Natasha knew that she had to tell him all about it. Y/n wasn't even the only person that they were breaking out of the Raft. They were breaking out almost half of the team, but they'd left him till last to ensure that they had enough manpower to take out all of the guards.

Y/n's smile didn't waver for a second. If it were Bruce or Tony telling him that, he would've immediately begun to doubt them. But he didn't do that with Nat. He trusted Nat.

Y/n lifted his shirt up slightly, tucking Bucky's letter into the waistband of his sweatpants. It was the safest place that y/n could think of, but he was sure that once he got out he'd get all of his belongings back. He was so ready to leave. However, until he saw that door open, he wasn't going to let his emotions get the best of him. His body simply didn't have the energy to be freaking out yet, he had to conserve as much as possible. "Do I need to stand back or-"

The cell door suddenly blasted open, causing it to fly off of it's hinges and crash into a nearby wall. And, stood in the doorway were Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint, and Scott. Steve seemed to be the only one not in a prison uniform, but that wasn't something that y/n wanted to question at the time.

Sam and Steve hurried toward y/n, meeting him in a tight hug. Neither Steve nor y/n seemed to care that they hadn't really been getting along before he had been locked up. Y/n was just happy to finally be free, and Steve being one of the people to help him escape meant the world to him.

"We've got you, y/n." Sam hummed with a happy smile, hugging him back carefully. He was in such a bad state, he didn't want to squeeze too hard. God, he remembered dragging Bucky out of the Raft. His screaming was something that still haunted him, and probably Steve too.

"Hey, can we leave the reuniting until after we get out of here? I don't think I need to remind you, but we're in a super high security prison right now. Plus, I wanted to be the first to hug y/n." Nat hummed over the speakers, causing the rest of the team to laugh.

And that's what they did.

Sam and Steve supported y/n from each side to help him walk out of the Raft, and the rest of the team followed closely behind.

Y/n almost felt as if he were in slow motion. It almost felt like a dream. Tears of relief rolled down his cheeks as he stumbled down the extensive hallways, a happy smile plastered across his face.

He was free.

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