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A/N: Boo! A double!

Y/n was dragged throughout the bank until they finally stopped in an office. The woman smiled, locking the door once they were both inside. It was a small office, and only one door. The one that she'd just locked. Y/n was determined not to break his cover. He couldn't. Not this early on. Y/n pressed himself up against a wall, watching the woman with complete fear in his eyes. Some of the fear was fake, but a lot of it was real. This could all go wrong. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just-" Y/n rambled, putting up as much of an act as possible. If he could trick the God of Mischief, he could trick her. The woman simply smiled, sitting on the edge of the desk opposite y/n. She rested the gun beside her, crossing her arms over her chest as she watched y/n ramble. "I'm so scared, and so tired. I spaced out and- And I just didn't hear them shout. It won't happen again. I promise." Y/n rushed out, forcing himself to shake as if he was terrified. The captor hummed, standing up from where she was stood, slowly strolling toward y/n. "I'm sure it won't." She cooed, getting all up in y/n's personal space. Y/n could feel the woman's breath on his neck, grimacing as her tongue traced his jaw. The captor laughed softly at y/n's squirming, continuing to stay in his personal space. "Y'know why it won't happen again...?" She asked in a breathy tone. Y/n shook his head, his eyes trained on the ceiling out of fear. But this time it was real. He felt vulnerable, and the woman knew that.

"Because I know who you are."

The whole mood in the room changed once y/n heard those words. His fear and uneasiness dropped in seconds, and were switched with pure adrenaline and defensiveness. But, before y/n could even move, a pistol was pressed against the bottom of his jaw. "What, you didn't think people would recognise you? Your pretty face is all over the news, hun." The woman chuckled, slowly unzipping y/n's jumpsuit to reveal the weapons he'd strapped to himself. "So, they send the 'new Avenger' in for a mission to prove to the public how good he is. Yet here we are, isn't that funny? You don't seem very good to me." The woman hummed, ripping all the weapons off of y/n. Y/n clenched his jaw, glancing down as much as he could with the pistol pressed into him. A fireball begun to form in his palm, ready to attack, but the captor just seemed to laugh at the fireball. "Oh that's pretty! What's that for, romantic lighting?" She teased, kneeing y/n's hand as hard as possible, slamming it into the wall behind them. Y/n hissed in pain as the fireball disappeared, shaking his hand out from the rippling pain of hitting the wall. "Let's not try that again, hm? Or next time I'll actually start shooting." The captor threatened, pulling another gun out and pressing it against y/n's stomach. It wouldn't kill him, but god, it would hurt. Y/n tried his hardest to keep his breath steady, not wanting to display any fear to the woman. He had an idea of how to get out of it, but y/n just needed the perfect timing. "Here's what I want from you. You will join us, and call your little friends to make the police leave. You will allow us to leave, leave the country. And we will be left alone. No jail time, nothing. We could even give you a cut of the money, depending on how good of a job you do." The woman hummed, happy to have full control over the situation.

"And if I don't?" A voice called out from behind the woman. Y/n's voice. But, y/n was in front of her, right?

You see, the woman didn't know the full extent of y/n's powers. Y/n was in front of the woman, with guns pressed into her stomach and jaw, that was true. But, as the woman turned around to find the source of the voice, her face dropped. There were around five clones of y/n. Unbeknownst to the woman, he was mimicking Loki. They all stood with their arms crossed over their chests, a curious look on their faces. "Well, answer my question. I want to know if I'm going to take this offer or not!" They all said at the same time. The woman lowered her guns in shock, her mouth hanging open at the sight of all the clones. "I- uh, you-" She stammered, watching as more and more clones begun to appear. The clones couldn't even touch anything, they were mere illusions, but she didn't need to know that. "Come on! This sounds like a good offer!" The clones exclaimed.

The original y/n smiled proudly at the dumbfounded look on the woman's face. The captor had her back to y/n, just watching the clones out of pure shock. So y/n took that chance, stepping forward as he wrapped her arm around the woman's neck. The woman gasped as y/n begun to squeeze, grabbing his arm in attempt to get him to let go. But y/n's grip didn't ease up. Her eyes wide as she gasped and spluttered, still watching the clones. "I think we're going to have to decline the offer. Sorry, hun." Y/n teased, continuing to squeeze until the woman fell unconscious. It wasn't enough to kill her, but enough to knock her out for a good while.

It didn't take long for y/n to handcuff the woman to the radiator, taping her mouth shut and her feet together. Y/n sighed to himself quietly, dusting himself off as he strapped the weapons back to his body. He knew she couldn't just walk back out there, so he utilised another one of Loki's tricks. He shapeshifted into the woman. Y/n bent down to check the woman's jumpsuit for any form of ID, smiling to himself as he found her name. Alice. Great. Back to the plan, but now with a bit more of an advantage.

'Alice' soon appeared back into the main hall after locking the woman in the office, a satisfied smile on her face. "All done." She hummed to the man from before, fiddling with her gun as if it wasn't a lethal weapon.

Wanda's face seemed to drop when the woman returned without y/n. Her breath picking up as she shook her head. Shit. What did they do to him? Y/n could handle one of the captors by themselves for sure, so where was he?

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