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A/N: A long one for you besties :)

By the time the movie ended, Bucky had fallen asleep too. Y/n was tucked comfortably under his arm, both fast asleep. Bucky had a small smile on his face as he slept, something that was very rare between the pair. Usually his face was riddled with stress and worry from his nightmares, so it was a nice change. Bucky was just happy to be around y/n. Especially after such a stressful day. He seriously thought y/n was going to die when he tackled that man off of the building, that was the reason why he jumped in after her. But he'd never admit that. He was happy that y/n was too exhausted to notice the tears in his eyes back at the riverbank, the amount of relief and adrenaline that washed over him was immense. But, y/n was as oblivious as Steve when it came to things like that. He could almost die and just ask to get something to eat two seconds later. But Bucky liked it like that. It helped him learn to relax, which is what he needed.

The rest of the team crept out of the living room, trying their hardest not to wake the pair up. Of course Sam and Tony made a few teasing comments, but they actually found the situation quite sweet. It was nice to see y/n and Bucky relaxed for once. Scott took a picture of the pair as if he was a middle-aged mom, but was soon ushered out by Vision.

Wanda crept back into the living room once everyone left. She'd grabbed a blanket from her bedroom for the pair. Wanda carefully pried the popcorn bowl from y/n's arms, setting it on the coffee table before she tucked the pair in. Wanda stood and watched for a moment, just happy to see them sleeping so calmly. She remembered when they first arrived there, unable to sleep and paranoid. Wanda was the first person to actually help y/n fall asleep, so she was proud of how far y/n had come. Wanda sighed softly to herself, averting her gaze from the pair so she could head to bed, not wanting to keep Vision waiting any longer. That was when she noticed Steve stood in the doorway, she smiled warmly at him, slowly making her way toward him. "Y/n doesn't realise how much Bucky cares." Steve hummed quietly, a fond smile on his face. He was happy to see his best friend happy. Wanda shrugged as she begun to walk down the hallway with Steve. "I think he does. But doesn't want to admit it." She grinned.

As the night went on, sweet dreams and relaxation soon turned sour. Bucky stirred to the sounds of muffled and cries and indistinct ramblings, slowly opening his eyes in attempt to find the source of the noise. But, what Bucky was met with caused him to force himself awake in seconds. Most of the furniture in the living room was floating a few feet off of the floor, with the TV flickering from different channels over and over. Bucky sat up a little straighter, immediately looking down at y/n to check on him. Finally putting two and two together that he was the one crying and rambling. But, he wasn't awake. Y/n was curled up in a tight ball on the couch, kicking his legs and hands out as if he was trying to protect himself from someone or something. Bucky's face filled with concern and worry as he moved off of the couch, kneeling down in front of y/n so he could see him better. Y/n's face was one of complete distress, but Bucky couldn't make out what he was rambling about. "Hey, y/n..." He whispered, gently setting a hand on his shoulder in attempt to wake up. But y/n just seemed to flinch and curl up even more. Bucky carefully moved to lay beside y/n on the couch, wrapping him protectively in his arms. "You're not there. You're right here. Wake up, Doll." He whispered, closing his eyes to try and ignore the floating furniture. Bucky continued to whisper reassuring words into y/n's ears, trying his hardest to comfort him and wake him up, but the nightmare seemed to just be getting worse...

Y/n was back with Hydra, just about a teenager at this point. He'd had to mimic another person's powers just a few hours before, and was currently in the training room to gain more control of the power. The man in the suit was sat in the corner of the the training room. He was always nearby. Always behind him. Always watching. According to the man in the suit, y/n was going through a 'rebellious' stage, so the only thing he was allowed to do was train and mimic powers. But, y/n wasn't going through a 'rebellious' stage. He was just beginning to realise how messed up his life was. He didn't trust the man in the suit anymore, he didn't trust anyone.

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