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"So yeah, you didn't miss much!" Natasha joked sarcastically, leaning against her seat on the quinjet.

Nat, Steve, Sam, Scott, and Wanda had told y/n everything that had occurred during the time that he was locked up. From the Sokovia Accords, to Bucky getting framed and brainwashed by Zemo, to Tony finding out who killed his parents, to Zemo finally getting caught. Now all of Steve's team were war criminals that were on the run. How fun.

Y/n was almost a little upset that he'd missed it all, but it was probably for the best that he wasn't there. Seeing Bucky under control of the code words would've been horrible. Especially since y/n still had nightmares about the time he almost killed Bucky. He couldn't imagine how he'd react if it were the other way around. Being a war criminal wasn't anything new to y/n. He'd been under the radar for practically his whole life, it wasn't going to be hard to do it again.

He laughed weakly at Nat, a happy but tired smile plastered across his face. "Oh yeah, doesn't seem like much at all!" He teased with a shrug. Y/n was exhausted. Completely exhausted. And rightly so, he hadn't slept properly in a long, long time. The nightmares were too intense. But succumbing to sleep felt like such a nice idea, especially now that he was surrounded by the team. He wasn't alone anymore.

Natasha smiled fondly at y/n's laugh, busy wrapping her hands in bandages. Fighting all of those guards definitely wasn't easy, but Nat would do it over and over again for y/n. She'd missed him so much. It just hadn't been the same without his stupid comments and random dance sessions in the mornings. But, Nat knew that it would take a while to get y/n back to his happy self. She could see how exhausted he was by just his eyes. "Have a nap, y/n. I'm sure that nobody will mind. We still have a few hours before we reach Bucky, anyway." She hummed in a gentle tone, standing up out of her seat to sit down beside y/n. "Here, you can use me as a pillow. Laying across the seats isn't very comfortable."

"Are you sure?" Y/n asked with cautious eyes. He didn't want to be a nuisance. There was nothing worse than being stuck in one position. But of course Nat insisted, leading to y/n resting his head on her lap. He fell asleep faster than he expected, especially after struggling to sleep for so many months. But the background noise of the team talking seemed to really help in drowning out the voices in his head. His cheek was smushed against Natasha's leg, one arm hanging off the edge of the seats whilst the other had a gentle hold on his necklace.

God, he was so grateful for Nat. She was like the big sister that he never had. Always there for him, always supporting him, always making him smile. It was so nice. Hearing her voice over the speakers was going to be something that he'd never forget. The amount of relief and excitement that he had felt was something that he couldn't even explain. Throughout everything that y/n had been through, Nat had always stuck by his side. Hell, she'd even punched Steve in the face for being rude to y/n. Nat was amazing.

Y/n had only managed to sleep for an hour or so, but that was alright. He had woken up to Scott and Sam singing along to whatever random song was playing on the speakers, with Scott using a disinfectant bottle as a microphone as he danced around. Wanda had the widest smile on her face as she stayed sat on her chair, busy picking the next song for them to sing along to. Steve was trying his hardest to stay focused on flying the quinjet, but he was desperate to turn around and watch whatever was going on behind him. Natasha watched it all with a fond smile, both hands gently playing with y/n's hair. If it were different circumstances, and if Peter were there, they would've joined in on singing along. God, y/n had missed all of this.

Around halfway through the flight, the team decided to stop and get food. Of course it had to be a quick trip so they didn't get caught, but the small amount of stress was worth it. It was probably the only time the whole quinjet had been silent. All happily enjoying their food. Y/n was definitely the one that enjoyed it the most, he'd decided to go for his classic cheeseburger, and he didn't regret it for a second. God, he'd forgotten how good food was. He was so used to the same bland meal every day, so the burger was more than amazing for him. If he could've had ten burgers, he would've.

As they neared closer and closer to Wakanda (where Bucky currently was), the nerves begun to kick in for y/n. He wasn't sure why, he was desperate to see him. But he was so, so nervous. They hadn't seen one another in so long. What if he'd moved on? What if their love just wasn't there anymore? No. The team wouldn't take him to him if Bucky had fallen out of love. He almost felt like a teenager with their first love, nervous and giddy to see him again.

He took a shaky breath, his knee bouncing anxiously as he fiddled with his necklace. Just the idea of him filled him with butterflies and nerves. However, a hand on his knee quickly grabbed his attention. It was Natasha, smiling reassuringly at him. "You'll be fine. You and I both know that." She hummed, swatting y/n's hand away from his necklace. "So stop stressing, or otherwise I'm going to have to fix that necklace again." Nat teased, watching as a small smile appeared on y/n's face. Seeing him so nervous over seeing Bucky again just made Nat's heart warm. She wished she could have a love like y/n and Bucky's. "Do you want me to walk out there with you? I'm not joining in on the hug, though."

Y/n laughed slightly, resting his hand on his lap after Nat swatted it away. "Yes please." He murmured nervously. It was nearing closer and closer to landing in Wakanda and seeing Bucky, yet he almost wished he had more time. He looked like a mess, and he wanted their reunion to be as perfect as possible. But of course there was no way he could shower or change her outfit now, there wasn't enough time.

"Here we are, y/n!" Steve announced as the quinjet landed, turning around to face him with a reassuring smile.

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