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"One punch. I just want to throw one punch." Y/n muttered to Thor.

The whole team were back inside, but had instead moved to the missions room as it was more suitable for Bruce to treat Tony whilst filling him in on everything that had happened. Y/n and Thor were sat on one of the tables in the corner of the room, keeping as much distance from Tony as possible without leaving the room.

Y/n didn't want to be in the missions room. He didn't want to be in any room with Tony. Hell, he didn't want to be in any building with Tony. His voice was unbearable. It was hard enough dealing with Bruce, he didn't want to deal with him too. He had no sympathy for him, no care for his act of self-pity, nothing. The only thing that was keeping y/n in the room was the possibility that he'd be able to attack him.

"We both know that's not true, y/n." Thor sighed, pretending to still be listening to whatever Bruce was talking about. He understood y/n's anger and need for revenge, but he also understood the consequences of revenge. After Loki was murdered, Thor tried to take revenge by making Thanos die a slow, painful death. He aimed for the chest, not the head, and that mistake led to the alien snapping away half of the universe. All because he was clouded by his own anger and grief.

God, he'd tried to block all of that out. Just the remembrance of Loki being murdered right in front of him caused his whole body to tense. He sat up a little straighter, blinking hard to get rid of the tears in his eyes. "Hey, my brother used to do this thing where he'd create an illusion of fireworks exploding out of his hand, can you-" Thor paused, trying to regain his composure. "Can you do that? Y'know, it might help you calm down a little." He said with a weak smile. He didn't want y/n to do it so it'd calm him down, he wanted y/n to do it because he was the closest thing he had left to Loki. He still had his powers.

Y/n frowned a little in confusion and frustration. He didn't want to use his powers as a party trick at the moment, he wanted to use his powers to beat Tony to the ground. But, as he turned his head to argue with him, he noticed the tears in Thor's eyes. His face softened into one of sympathy, tilting his head to the side in curiosity. "Are you okay..?" He asked in a hushed tone. Y/n had never seen Thor upset. He was always a happy, bubbly person in front of him.

"Yes, yes, of course I am!" Thor exclaimed with a nervous chuckle, forcing a smile toward y/n. "This meeting is just boring me to tears, that's all." He hummed. "I thought that a few fireworks would be a fun distraction for us, don't you think?" He asked in a slightly shaky tone. He didn't want to feel like a burden, nor did he want y/n to worry about him. He'd been through death before. His mother, his father, killing his sister, and now Loki. He could handle it. Yeah, he could handle it.

Y/n knew that Thor was lying. He could see it in his eyes. He could've mimicked Wanda's powers to read his mind, but he didn't want to. It didn't feel right. So, y/n simply nodded. He opened his hand so it was facing the ceiling, watching as tiny fireworks begun to burst out of his palm. The fireworks were silent, meaning that it didn't disturb the team, but it was beautiful. A tiny array of colours sparkling out of the palm of his hand. "I used to do this for the kids in Wakanda."

Thor was mesmerised by the tiny fireworks sparking out of y/n's palm. His eyes were glossed over with tears, but he tried desperately not to let them fall. "When we were kids, if I ever was upset, Loki would do this for me. It was probably just to calm me down so I wouldn't snitch on him, but it was nice." He murmured with a sniffle. However, as soon as he sniffled, Thor cleared his through in a terrible attempt at covering it up. "Wow! These..." He paused, trying to find a good excuse for his sniffling. "These space allergies have really messed me up!" He chuckled, quickly standing up before he could break down. "I think I'm going to go find some tissues. Be back in a minute!"

The Mimic (HE/HIM VERSION)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin