Chapter 2 : Wonderful Surprise

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Alec watched from a distance as his beautiful wife trained with Felix. He was careful not to go full out since she was just a human. However, half way through the battle, Rosalyn collapsed and let out a cry. Alec rushed towards her and kneeled.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"M-my stomach. It hurts so much!" She cried.

"Why? Did Felix punch you too hard? I'll kill him!" He hissed, glaring at the man.

"N-no! It's not l-like that." She whispered.

"Get the medic here!" Yelled Alec.

Within moments, a man in a white coat ran in, carrying a large first aid kit. He ran a bunch of tests on her, gasping half way. He quickly fumbled through his bag as if he needed to make sure of something. He leaned in and whispered something to Rosalyn. The biggest smile appeared on her face, tears of joy threatening to spill. The medic left afterwards.

"What did he say? Why the big smile?" Asked Alec, worriedly.

"We have a child Alec! We have a child!" She cried.

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