Chapter 19: Everything Is Going to Be Alright

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Author's Note

Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait! Had a lot of summer school stuff and sports. But I'm back! It's not the longest update in history but hey, it's something. So enjoy! Oh and also, before I leave you to this chapter, I wish for you readers to answer a few questions. Whoever gets them all right first will have the next chapter dedicated to them! Contest ends August 1, 2015! Please number your responses based on the questions!

1. If Mason was just a random servant, I wouldn't have given him a name. What part do you think he's going to play in the future and give reasons to support your answer. (This one's a tough. The answer is hinted somewhere in the previous chapters)

2. Do you think Rosalyn and Alec are going to approve of Demetri and Briar's relationship and why? (This one's pure luck but a hint of the answer is somewhere in this chapter)

3. What gift do you think Rosalyn has now that she's a vampire? (Hints of the answer is hidden from time to time in this chapter)

Good luck! Now, back to the story!

Rosalyn's POV

I slowly exited the room to find a very pale Alec slumped against the wall opposite of my room. His eyes were closed and cracks were small cracks were visible throughout his usually flawless skin. His normally fine fitted suit is wrinkled and dusty. He seemed to notice my presence, for his eyes snapped open. His ruby eyes lost its shine, replaced with black ones full of hunger. 

"R-Rosalyn?" he whispered.

I kneeled in front of him, brushing loose strands of hair out of his face.

"I-I waited h-here for y-you for e-eight m-months," he stuttered, trying to reach and touch my face.

However, he was too weak and his hand fell pathetically at his side. A blood tear fell onto his cheek, forming the shape of a heart.

"You stupid, stupid, idiot. Why didn't you feed? Why can't you take care of yourself, you incompetent fool?" I whispered, burying my head in the crook of his neck and staining his suit with my blood tears.

"Because I b-barely gave you a-any food when you were t-trapped in that small, h-horrid guest room. I d-deserve this and m-much more as my p-punishment," he whispered.

I shook my head furiously and clenched onto his body as if my life depended on it. 

"Stupid, stupid, stupid..." I mumbled.

I felt his arms shakily snake their way around my waist and I felt like I fell in love with him all over again. 

"I-I love you," he said softly.

"I love you too," I smiled.


Demetri's POV

I looked down at the beautiful girl in front of me and wondered how I resisted those urges all last year. Briar has blossomed from a cute and adorable baby to a mature and amazing teenager and I cannot be more glad to call her my own. Suddenly, I felt Briar tense up and I looked at her, concern pooling in my eyes.

"What's wrong, love?" I whispered.

"Mom and Dad are going to kill you and I once they find out about this. I'm so dead. They'll never approve of this, Demetri," she said sadly.

I wrapped my arms around her protectively and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry. Nothing can keep us apart. I won't allow it," I reassured.

But how was I of all people supposed to do that? Rosalyn would kill me and Alec along with her. And everyone knows that I am completely defenseless against his deadly gift.

"We will find a way. Love will always prevail," I muttered.

Rosalyn cuddled against me. 

"I really hope so."


Alec's POV

I walked down the hallway hand in hand with the love of my life, after my feeding frenzy. Aro was more than glad to have me back on my feet, and I apologized numerous times for my unsightly behavior. They just shook it off, for nothing major happened during the eight months anyways and Jane always took care of things. When she found out that I was up, she crushed me in a hug, which was then followed by numerous punches and slaps on the face, with many insults, of course. But I could tell that I worried her a lot. She later left to give Rosalyn and I some time along, which I was more than grateful for.

"Hey Alec?" 

Rosalyn's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Where's Briar? I feel bad that neither of us talked to her for eight months," she muttered.

I sighed. Poor girl.

"She's been with Demetri. He's been taking care of her for literally forever. I'm kind of worried that they're getting too close," I growled under my breath.

She laughed and my mood instantly improved. I will never get used to that sweet tinkling sound.

"Don't be so over protective. We both know that Demetri is a good man and if I had to marry Briar to anyone, it would be him," she reassured me.

"But still. She's only a year old," I mumbled.

"Don't forget that she's half vampire. Therefore, she would grow a hell lot faster than a normal baby. Remember that whole battle over Renesmee Cullen?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I muttered, still not convinced.

"Oh shush. You're starting to sound like a mother looking after her cub. That's supposed to be my job."

We walked into the gardens and towards the small pond that was full of koi fish. Their usual calm disposition seemed to fade away as we arrived, as they started swimming around happily making Rosalyn giggle. Thank goodness we don't have any animal drinkers here or we would've had to replace them every day and those things are expensive even though we had an endless supply of money.

"Hey Alec?" mumbled Rosalyn.

"Yeah, love?"

"Don't you dare leave me again or I will kick your ass so far that you'll never find your way here," she glared at me.

I scratched my head.

"Don't worry. If I ever leave you again, you won't be the only one who will kick my ass," I chuckled.

She laughed.

"I'm counting on it."

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