Chapter 14: Eight Months

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Rosalyn's POV

I watched as the smile on his face slowly vanished.

"Yeah...we do need to talk. Maybe we should go to o-our room?" he asked nervously.

I nodded before walking out of the throne room and down those foreign yet familiar hallways.

Alec's POV

I watched as she slowly moved down the seemingly never ending hallways.

"You should be the one leading me. I can hardly remember how to get to YOUR room," she said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm really sorry for locking you down there-"

"No no. You don't have to apologize. No no. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. Completely mine," she said, almost too relaxed.

"Rosalyn look-"

"What," she hissed, spinning around so suddenly that I nearly fell back.

Although she was significantly shorter than me, I felt like she was towering over me because of her murderous glare.

"I'm really really sorry for the hell that I put you through. I wasn't thinking straight that moment and I just acted impulsively. I'm really really sorry," I mumbled, lowering my head in shame.

To my surprise, she laughed. But it wasn't that sweet laugh that I fell in love with. It was one of insanity.

"Sorry? Sorry?! You locked me in that stupid rotting guest room for eight fucking months Alec! Eight fucking months! You didn't think for once that I might be suffering from the dilapidated condition of that shitty room?! And if it were just me, I wouldn't care as much. But Briar was in there too! You starved me and in the process, you starved her. You didn't even let anyone visit me! You put me through eight months in hell Aleczander Volturi! I don't have to listen to your pathetic excuses! I'm choosing to because I have a HEART! Something that you clearly don't!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I felt like she took a knife and jabbed it in my heart, twisting it and laughing as it bled out and I shook in agony. She turned around and disappeared into midair. Probably vampire speed. Damn. I have to get used to that now. I sighed before tracing her scent back into our room. I shakily turned the doorknob and found that it was locked. Surprise, surprise. I gently knocked on the door, hoping that she would at least let me in.

"Rosalyn? Sweetie please, I'm sorry. Just let me in please. I'll do anything just please talk to me," I begged.


"Please sweetie, I'm begging you," I cried, endlessly pounding on the door.

Damn you Aro. Why did you make the doors here vampire strength proof?! 


"I'll do anything...anything," I cried.

I slowly slid onto my knees, pounding my head on the door, hoping that it would magically open. As if an angel came down and graced me with her gift, the door nudged open, revealing Rosalyn.

"You made me wait eight months for you, Aleczander Volturi. This is the price you're going to have to pay. For the next eight months, I will neither speak to you, see you, nor acknowledge your existence. At the end of that, I'll see if you're really worth going back to," she muttered, slamming the door in my face.

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