Chapter 22: Goodbye

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Rosalyn's POV

So the last few years went by pretty peacefully. A few rebels here and there, but nothing really out of the ordinary. So here I am, with the love of my life. Briar told us of her and Demetri's relationship and honestly, I was happy for her. Alec, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled to give up our daughter just yet. But a bit of persuasion can go a long way. Briar and Demetri got married a year ago and it was the wedding of the century! I'll have to admit that it kind of breaks my heart to end this chapter of my life...but I am also excited to begin the next. So here I am. Signing off for the last time. Goodbye everyone! And don't forget. Happy endings do exist. You just need to put in the effort to find it.

The End

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