Chapter 19

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Elijah's POV


After witnessing what happened through the cameras and hearing Evie's story, it made me want to go kill those Germans immediately, resurrect them and kill them again in the most brutal way.

My heart ached listening to what my bambina said about her life. I wished I had realised sooner that she was alive. That the fire was just a ruse to get her. I could've save her from all the torture.

I'm sitting in my office with a glass of bourbon in my hand. The Kastellanos left our home but Evie's friends are staying at one of the guest rooms.

I'm planning on discussing our next move with the Kastellanos soon and from there we should be able to get something more about the Germans.

Even though Ezekiel and Adonis are the dons and they should be the ones calling the shots, as long as Milo and I are alive, we would be giving our inputs every now and then. When it comes to Evie, I think Milo and I forget that we are not the dons anymore. But I know that Zeke doesn't mind because he knows that I'm doing it for his sorellina.

(baby sister)

I was broken out of my thoughts, when I heard the soothing voice I fell in love with years ago.

She walked up next to me and I pulled her hips so that she sits on my lap.

"You know it's not your fault right," she said while playing with my hair.

This is why I love this woman. She knows me so well that I don't have to say anything.

"I can't help it. If only we found her sooner then she wouldn't have to go through all that. We wouldn't have to mourn her for all those years," I said.

Even though she was broken when Evie was gone, she was still the best wife and mother. She put all of us first and made sure we were surviving when in reality she was also breaking.

"All that matters now is we got her back. We can protect her from the Germans now and we will do everything to make sure she's safe," Alessia said softly.

Sighing, I gave her a peck on the lips, "What did I do to deserve you," I asked.

She smiled cheekily, "Nothing, I just came out of nowhere and suddenly you were like "You're pretty, let's go on a date" and when I said no you picked me up and carried me to your car," causing me to laugh at the memory.

"Well, it worked in the end and I couldn't be more grateful," I said smugly, causing her to roll her eyes.

I pinched her sides causing her to laugh, "Ok ok fine. Let's go to bed," she said.

I carried her to our room and we cuddled to sleep.

Evianna's POV

Everyone was acting normal during breakfast. They weren't treating me like a porcelain doll. Thank god.

Everyone was talking with one another while devouring our food. I see Emilio and Elias talking together and suddenly Elias' eyes went wide. Huh.

"Where did my oreos go," he screamed, making everyone look at him shocked for his outburst but disappointed at the reasoning.

I looked towards Emi to see him snickering at his brother's suffering. My first instinct was to look at Gio because well it's Gio.

And not to my surprise I can see the oreo packet in his lap but he's looking at Emi and pleading with him not to say anything.

Emi gave him an evil smile and turned towards Elias. Oh no.

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