Chapter 42

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Gabriel's POV


Completely and utterly fucked.

How am I supposed to tell her that the main reason I left was because of Sebastian. Because of what he said.

I didn't lie when I said I left to protect her. But I also hid the fact that there's a bigger reason as to why I had to leave.

Sitting here with Angelo next to me while Zeke, Adonis, Ares, Ryan, Gio, Ana and Evie sat opposite of us is making me nervous. Tristan left a while ago, saying he'll give us space to handle things.

The look, the glare that my Rose is giving me is making my heart hurt. I can see that her walls are rebuilding which made me feel like the stupidest motherfucker to ever exist. I did that to her.

"Explain. Now." Rose coldly said, making me gulp.

"Angelo and I met Sebastian when we were nine years old. He was the lonely kid that was sitting alone every day until one day, we saw him getting bullied. We helped him that day and from there, we were inseparable. We did everything together. At that point, we were training for the mafia, so when we told him about it a year later, he decided to join too. We didn't say anything because we were happy, the three of us best friends together," I explained and saw that everyone was digesting the information.

"When we were sixteen, Sebastian started to become distant. We didn't know what was happening and every time we asked, he would give a reasonable excuse that we didn't question anything. I mean why would we, we've known him for years. Around the time he became distant, was also the time we just met you four," Angelo continued, referring to Ryan, Gio, Ana and Evie.

"He was never brought up in any conversation because we wanted him to meet you first. But that day seems to become further and further away. Of course, we told him about you, how the Kastellanos just adopted you guys and when we said your names, it's like a switch flipped in his brain. He started to act more suspicious where he would pop up at any meetings or somehow be around every corner. He became cunning to the fact that we had some meetings without his knowledge," I added.

"What did he do," Gio gritted and I looked towards Adonis and Ares who gave an encouraging nod, giving us the green light to tell them.

"He threatened to hurt Sierra. The Gonzalez's estate were wired with cameras and if we even dared to sabotage it, Sebastian would've known. There were pictures of him in her room, staring at her when she was asleep," Angelo gritted out and I was clenching my fists thinking of what he did to my niñera.

(baby sister)

"There's more isn't it?," Ana asked, making me nod. I can feel my leg bouncing due to my anxiousness. What I'm going to say will change everything.

"One day, he came into the room and put some pictures onto the table. Angelo and I were confused and curious so we took a look at it. It soon turned into rage and fury. It-it," I stuttered the last words out.

"What was it," Zeke pushed, making me look at him and then look at the love of my life whose face was written in confusion.

"It was pictures of Sebastian with Evie when she was in the German's possession," I said and I could see all the colour was drained from her face. Even Ryan, Gio and Ana had a look of shock and their faces paled.

"What?" Evie whispered, shocked.


It's been a few days since Angelo and I have seen Sebastian and we're worried.

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