Chapter 43

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Evianna's POV

"I love you Evianna. I always will," I hear Gabe shout, causing me to halt in my movement for a second.

"I love you too Gabriel," I mumbled out quietly and continued walking towards where Ryan, Gio and Ana left.

As much as the news pains me and my friends in every way, I couldn't stop loving him. I get where he is coming from but he could have told us. Working together would have made it easier to attack the Germans and finish the war once and for all. Instead, this whole thing is being dragged and I'm so fucking tired of it. I just need time to digest the news.

We reached the house that I used to stay at and I can see all three of them going into their room. I know exactly what they're doing because I'm doing the exact same thing. I'm gearing up for the kills we're doing tonight. I think all of us just need to get this pent up anger and frustration out and how else would we do that than killing perverts.

I reached downstairs after putting on an outfit and strapped in all my weapons to see Ryan, Gio and Ana waiting there with their own gear ready.

"Ready?," I asked, smirking to which I could see all of them had the same smirked and the glint of excitement in their eyes

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"Ready?," I asked, smirking to which I could see all of them had the same smirked and the glint of excitement in their eyes.

"Ready," Ryan and Ana responded.

"Hell yeah," Gio exclaimed, making me shake my head.

We arrived at the warehouse where we knew people that were being trafficked were located at. The bidding was scheduled for next week where we would raid the place and kill the traffickers but tonight seemed the perfect time for it.

Totally not because we need some blood to be spilled.

On the way to the warehouse, Ana briefed us on the number of people we need to rescue, the blue prints and the number of assholes we are killing tonight. 15 sounds like a good number to kill.

All of us put on the earpiece so that we can communicate with each other. "Everyone can hear me?," Ryan asked, making all of us respond with a yes.

"Alright, Evie and Gio you both enter from the back, Ana and I will enter from the front. The cells are in the basements near the back entrance so both of you will get to the people and bring them out." Ryan said making us nod our heads.

"Once we're done explaining the usual and give them the card, we'll call the cops anonymously to help them out since we didn't bring the Greeks. If they're smart, they'll flee before the cops get to them and go to Daritone," I explained.

"We'll meet at the usual?," Gio asked. "Of course," we all said together, making us chuckle a little.

Getting into position, Gio and I see 5 guards outside meaning there's still 10 somewhere near. "We got 5 at the back," I said in the earpiece.

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