Chapter 33

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Evianna's POV

It's been a week since I left the hospital and I've been put on bedrest until tomorrow


Every time I tried getting up, mum and μαμά would pull me back to bed. One day, I was walking out of my room discreetly when I reached the corner and saw mama with her hand on her hips, a glare on her face and a slipper on her other hand.

Let's just say I ran faster than I had when bullets were coming at me.

I've learnt that the hard way when it comes to mama and her slippers. She scares me and she knows it.

Gabe has been getting closer with my brothers and I couldn't be more happier. I've been spending my nights with Gabriel, talking and catching up on lost times. I truly missed him and I'm glad he's safe. I just hoped we could get through all of this together.

I know the next few months are going to be hectic.

Angelo popped by a few days ago and has been doing his best friend duty of annoying Gabe. I may or may not have helped him in most of the things.

Every time Gabe would catch us he would send the harshest glare to Angelo who just pouts every time but when he catches my eyes, his eyes would go soft.

Suck on that Angelo.

Obviously, Angelo wailed like the big baby he is and said along the lines of 'of course she'll stay alive, she won't be the one in the coffin, I will' and 'what if I was a girl, would he let me live and fuck me instead' which caused me to laugh my ass off and Gabe smacking Angelo's head.

I've been told that the day I woke up that they found some new information and my earlier suspicions were right when I thought there was a mole in the house. Since then Adonis and Zeke have been going through the lists of people that have been coming in and out of the house.

It'll take some time to do the background searches but I can feel it getting closer. I just want all of this to end.

Since I'm on bedrest, I've been doing some work for Daritone since the new jewellery line is coming out and I've been getting the final touches ready. My assistant has been holding up well if I do say so myself. The previous one kept getting on my nerves.

Well maybe that's because the last time she didn't follow your rules, you threatened her and made her cry for a whole week every time she got close to you.

She should've known not to mess up the orders.

I was finishing up some paperwork on the company when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I yelled out and saw Ares coming into the room.

"How are you feeling Evie," he asked, giving me a small smile while sitting at the edge of my bed.

"I've been better Res and you know me. Some bullets aren't going to stop me." I said trying to lift up his frown.

I sat there looking at him, who looked like he's staring at the floor with a clenched jaw. As fun as Ares is, he has a hard time expressing his feelings. Outside of family, people would look at him and cower in fear with his looks. The scar that goes across his eyes just made him look scarier. Looks that could get you killed in seconds. That's why he is who he is today, the killer.

But deep down, he's just a soft guy that would do anything for the people he loves. I would do anything for him. As messed up as how our mind works with our assassinations, we understand each other.

Worried, I moved so that I could sit next to him. Holding his hands, "What's wrong, αδελφός?" I asked.


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