Chapter 27

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Milo's POV


That's what we've been doing for the past six hours.

Everyone is a mess in the waiting room. You could feel the different types of emotions going around.

When I found Evie and the rest all those years ago, I felt a connection. A need to help and protect them. Seeing how protective Evie was of her friends made me realise how special she is. And I was right.

Making them a part of my family has been the best decision I have ever made. After Agnes gave birth to Alas, she couldn't get pregnant again and we were okay with it. But deep down, we were hoping to have a daughter and we knew Adonis, Ares and Alas wanted a sister.

Evie and Ana fit it and they were treated with so much love. Agnes was happy to have two daughters to take care of and in her words "have girl talks" with. As crazy as that woman is, she still makes me fall in love with her everyday.

The door was slammed open and everyone was alert to hear the news. Antonio walks into the room with a stressed out face.

"Her wounds are not bad but it took a long time because the bullets that she was shot with were laced with poison. It spread into her bloodstream, making her body shutdown. Her heart stopped two times but we managed to bring her back. Thankfully, we have an antidote for the poison so we managed to inject it into her before her brain seized. She did lose a lot of blood but she's a fighter. Her body went through so much that she's now in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up but she will once her body is completely healed. All we can do now is wait." Antonio explained with a heavy heart.

My boys had tears in their eyes but they looked relieved at the fact that she's alive. The Romanos were the same but you can still see the anger. Hell everyone was. They fucking poisoned her.

I was comforting my crying wife while Elijah comforted his wife. I know how hard Agnes is taking this. When Evie first came, Agnes did everything she could to make her comfortable and after a few months, she started to open up to her. Agnes gave her the motherly love that she craved so much and Agnes was fine with it. She has such a pure heart that sometimes I wonder why she married the cold me.

"Can we see her," Ana asked sniffling.

"You can but two at a time. We don't want to overwhelm her. Try talking to her. She might be able to hear you and maybe you could try and knock some sense into her to wake up." he said with a small chuckle at the end.

One by one our family started entering her room. I see Elijah sitting alone with his head in his hands and decided to go and talk with him.

"Is this how you felt when she was gone all those years ago," I asked him, letting him hear the vulnerability in my voice.

"Close, but the pain we felt, the pain I felt all those years ago broke my heart into pieces. Imagine looking around the scene where the house was burning down and you don't see your daughter. You hear your sons screaming and crying, your wife breaking down but no sight of your principessa. That feeling is something I wish no one would ever have to go through." he said while trying to hold in his sob.

After a while of silence, Elijah turned his body so that he was facing me. "I want to thank you for everything. You helped Evie when she needed a family. I'm sure there's more I need to learn about her but from what I've seen, she's grown into a wonderful, strong woman. My family owes your family for bringing my daughter back. In helping her get through all those nightmares that she had to go through. Thank you for being a father to her when I couldn't." He said showing his gratitude.

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