2. carwashes and parties

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Maddie was usually always right. It was one of the things that made her so scary. And when she told Principal Greenwood that sharing the gym would only result in the basketball team staring and gawking at the cheerleaders she was right.

Coach Finstock had already blown his whistle at them so much he was out of breath. "Baldwin! If I have to blow into this whistle one more time to tell you to focus you will doing suicide runs until you die" he yelled. Maddie rolled her eyes as she focused on the squad.

"I told Greenwood this would be a bad idea," she said. "It's not that bad," Willow said, smiling over at Tristan. "Willow! Focus!" Maddie said snapping her fingers in front of the girl's face.

"The first game is next Friday. We all know how important the first game is for us. It shows the entire town why the Beacon Hills Sirens is the best cheer squad second only to the Dallas Cowboys. If this routine isn't perfect I will quite literally have a mental breakdown and trust me that won't be pretty" she said running her hands through her hair.

"Alright, Mads. Chill. The routine is great. You choreographed it yourself, remember" Kate said. "Of course I remember. And it's not the routine I'm worried about. It's making sure it's carried out perfectly. Which is why we're running through it one more time" she said shouting the last part.

The squad groaned but quickly stopped as Maddie turned and glared at them. She took her place in the front, in between Kate and Willow, as she pressed the play button on their speaker.

Derek looked over as the music blasted through his ears. He knew Coach would yell at him for staring but he couldn't help it. Maddie was there, front and center, her body moving perfectly to the beat of the music.

He jumped as Tristan came up behind him, patting him on the back. "You're staring. It's creepy" he laughed. "I was not staring," he said even though he hadn't taken his eyes off her.

"You are and it's actually kind of sad. You know the entire team has a bet" Tristan said. "A bet for what?" Derek asked. "For how long it's going to take for you to ask her out. And whether or not she'll claw your eyes out for it" he said.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'd rip my head off if I even tried," he said, still looking at the girls finishing their dance, Maddie ending in a split. Maddie looked up and immediately noticed Derek staring at her.

He turned and tried to play it off like he was talking to Tristan but she knew what he was doing. As Coach blew the whistle for basketball practice to be over, Maddie dismissed the Sirens before grabbing her own things.

"You guys are still coming over to my place right?" Kate asked, looking at Willow and Maddie. "Yeah. I just have to do something real quick. I'll meet you in the locker room" Maddie said as she turned and walked out of the gym.

She walked down the hall and right into the boy's locker room. She ignored the whistles and catcalls and she walked to the back. "What are you doing in here?" Tristan asked as she walked over.

She ignored him as she walked up to Derek pushing him back into the locker. "What is wrong with you?" she asked him. He smiled at her wondering what he had done now for the queen bee herself to be standing in the boy's locker room.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he said. "I think you do, smartass. At first I could not think of a good reason why you would want to share the gym other to piss me off. Now, I totally get it. You're a gross pervert" she said ignoring Tristan and the other guys laughing.

"Maddie. I know you hate me but I seriously have no idea what you're talking about" Derek said. "I saw you staring, moron. I don't know if you actually have a death wish or if your just stupid but I will not be materal for your spank bank. Oh and in case you didn't get the memo. The car wash has been moved to 10. Don't be late" she said before turning and walking out.

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