5. i hate bowling

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"Alright Mads! You're up" Tristan smirked. "I already told you. I'm not playing" Maddie said as she took another sip from her soda. "You have too. Don't be a sore loser" Willow teased. "I am not a loser" Maddie groaned as she stood up and grabbed the ball that Derek helped her pick out.

"You'll be fine. Just focus your aim on the middle" Derek said. "Obviously," Maddie said, rolling her eyes as she walked up to the lane. Derek just laughed knowing she was in a bad mood because she was being forced to do something she didn't want to do.

And as everyone expected the ball went straight towards the gutter. She huffed as she turned and marched back to grab her ball again knowing that she had to go again. "Shut up Tristan" she snapped as she heard him trying not to laugh at her.

"Oh come on. It's not everyday we get to see you not be the best at something" he said as she rolled her eyes and walked back over to the lane. Again, the ball landed in the gutter. She groaned as she turned and walked back to her seat.

"It's fine. We're just getting started" Derek said, trying to make her feel better. "I'm gonna get another drink" she mumbled, standing up and walking towards the vending machines.

Derek glared at Tristan knowing his relentless teasing was getting to her. "What? I'm just messing with her" he laughed seeing Derek glare at him. Maddie was so busy pressing the buttons on the machine that she didn't even notice someone standing right behind her.

"I didn't take you as a bowler," Camden said with a smirk on his face as she turned to face him. "I didn't take you as someone to take advantage of drunk girls but I guess we're all full of surprises," she said.

"You know I apologized for that. And your boyfriend already kicked my ass for it" he said as she grabbed her drink from the machine. "He's not my boyfriend," she said, turning to walk away from him. "Well then if you don't have a boyfriend then maybe you'll let me take you out. An apology dinner" he said.

"In your dreams Lahey," she said as she continued walking toward her group. "You okay?" Derek asked when she sat down. He could tell she seemed even more aggravated than when she left. "I'm fine," she huffed. "Are you sure? Because it's your turn again" he said gesturing to the screen.

She turned and let out a loud groan as she saw her name pop up on the screen above them. "Here. I'll help you" he said, helping her up and she grabbed her ball. The two of them walked up to the lane as he stood behind her. "I hate this," she said to him.

"You're just thinking about it too much. Here" he said, placing one hand on her waist and the other hand over hers with the ball. He had to stop himself from smiling when he heard her heartbeat speed up. "Just think about where you want the ball to go," he said, pulling her arm back. "And let go," he said as she swung her arm back and let go of the ball.

A shiver ran down her spine as she felt his breath on her ear and she realized how close they were. When the ball actually made it all the way down the lane she was shocked but when it knocked down all the pins she was shocked.

"Oh my god!" she shouted as she turned to Derek and wrapped her arms around him. "I told you you could do it" he laughed as he hugged her back. "How the hell did you do that?" Willow asked as the two walked back over.

"I had a pretty good teacher," she smirked, leaning back into Derek. Willow and Tristan both noticed how easily Derek pulled Maddie out of her bad mood. Something that usually lasted for hours. Even days.

After an hour of their game, Maddie was happy that she didn't turn out to be the worst. Tristan and Derek fought for first place, Derek beating him by only a few points. "What time is it?" Willow asked. "11. Why?" Tristan asked, looking at his watch. Maddie gasped as she looked at the group.

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