sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 1

173 2 1

Nov, 1983

"Something is coming, something hungry for blood..."

Elizabeth or "Lizzie" Johnson was sat in her friend Mike Wheeler's basement, playing Dungeons and Dragons, the party's favourite game.

Now, the "Party", as they called themselves, were a tight-knit group of friends that played Dungeons and Dragons together. What is Dungeons and Dragons, you ask? It's a board game where all the party are role playing people in a fantasy land. They fought monsters, did campaigns and basically all depended on the roll of the dice.

Anyway, Mike, who was playing all the bad characters at the moment, continued speaking in a low, menacing voice. "A shadow grows on the wall behind you, showering you in darkness!"

"What is it?" Will Byers, another Party member, asked in excitement.

"What if it's the Demogorgon?" Dustin Henderson, the fourth party member and probably who Lizzie would consider her closest friend out of them all, said, slapping his palm to his forehead. He was referring to the almost unbeatable villain in D&D. "Oh Jesus we're so screwed it it's the Demogorgon!"

"It's not the Demogorgon!" Lucas Sinclair, the final member of the Party, reassured his friends.

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike yelled, slamming down the plastic troglodytes on the board.

Lizzie slapped a hand on the table and asked. "Troglodytes?"

"Told ya," Lucas said with mock arrogance whilst the other three laughed.

Mike stayed, however, had a straight face. "Hold on... d'you hear that sound? Boom... boom... boom... BOOM!" He slapped the table and made the others jump. "That didn't come from the troglodytes no, no... it came from something else..."

Lizzie and Dustin exchanged a look as Mike paused for dramatic effect. Then, finally, he slammed another piece onto the board.

"The Demogorgon!"

"We're in deep shit!" Dustin and Lizzie shouted together, laughing too.

"Will, your action!" Mike shouted, banging the table once more.

"Fireball him!" Lizzie immediately shouted.

"Yeah!" Lucas agreed.

"I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher!" Will protested.

"Too risky, cast a protection!" Dustin immediately advised.

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!" Lucas argued.

"Cast. Protection!"

Mike slammed the table. "The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering! It stomps towards you! BOOM!"

"Fireball him, Will!" Lizzie yelled.

"Cast protection!"



"Don't be a-"


"It roars in anger-"

Soon, Dustin, Lizzie and Lucas were yelling their opinions at each other, with Mike yelling what the Demogorgon was doing and Will being stuck in the middle with the dice, not knowing who to listen to.

Finally, yelling, "fireball!" he threw the dice, but in all her excitement, Lizzie knocked them out of his hand and they scattered all over the basement floor.

"Oh my god!" Dustin yelled as Lucas got up to search for them.

"Just get up and look!" Lizzie told him, grinning, for Mike had just been called by his mum and had ran up the stairs to talk to her. She lowered her voice. "We have to get them before Mike comes back, then we can pretend it was, like, a fifteen or something."

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