sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴏɴᴇ ꕥ 12

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Since the Party couldn't go anywhere, they set up a kind of camp in the abandoned school bus, and then Lucas showed them what he had learnt when he had been scouting out the gate.

He set up some sticks to act as a map on the ground. "This is Randolph Road, right here. The fence starts here, and goes all the way around. And, this is the lab, right here," he stuck an old drink can in the middle of the 'fence'. "The gate's gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be. The compass led me right there."

"Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin raised his eyebrows.

"Sign says 'Department of Energy'," Lucas shrugged.

"Department of Energy? What d'you think that means?" Dustin pondered.

"It means government. Military," Mike put in.

"Then why does it say energy?" Lizzie asked, confused.

"Just trust me, alright? It's military. My dad's told me before."

"Mike's right. There's soldiers out front," Lucas added.

"Do they make, like, lightbulbs or something?" Dustin frowned.

"No, weapons," Mike rolled his eyes. "To fight the Russians and Commies and stuff."

Lizzie squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh, Jesus, this is bad."

"Really bad. That place is like a fortress," Lucas nodded solemnly.

"So, what do we do?" Dustin asked.

"Do we even have a choice?" Lizzie laughed sarcastically. "We can't go home, because we're fugitives now, so we just have to... wait it out here-"

"G-guys," Dustin suddenly said, turning their attention up to the sky, where a helicopter was fast approaching them.

"Go! Go, go, go, go, go!"

They shoved their bikes under the bus and ran onto it, cowering under the seats. "Get down!"

They all lay still and listened for the sound of the helicopter receding. "Mental," Dustin said to himself.

"Mike? Mike, are you there? Mike?"

Suddenly Dustin's supercom started to crackle to life with Nancy's voice on the other end.

"You guys hear that?" Dustin asked.

"Mike, it's me, Nancy!" The supercom went again. "Mike, are you there?"

They all went to Dustin's bag and emptied it out. Mike grabbed the supercom as it came out and held it up to his ear to hear. "Mike, we need you to answer!"

"Is that your sister?" Lucas asked Mike.

"This is an emergency, Mike, do you copy?" Nancy went on on the other side of the supercom.

"Okay, this is really weird," Dustin voiced what everyone was thinking.

Lucas was about to grab the walkie and answer but Mike grabbed it back. "Don't answer!"

"Why not?" Lucas asked. "She said it was an emergency!"

"What if it's a trick?"

"It's your sister!"

"What if the bad people kidnapped her? What if they're forcing her to say this?"

"I need you to answer," came Nancy again.

"Like Lando Calrissian. Don't answer," Dustin advised.

"We need to know that you're there Mike-" Nancy's voice was suddenly replaced by that of Chief Hopper's.

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