sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 7

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"Lizzie! Lizzie, seriously! Seriously, I'm not joking, I'm not driving you anywhere!"

As they walked up the Wheeler's drive towards Steve's car, Lizzie leading, Steve slightly behind her and everyone else jogging to keep up, Lizzie spoke, quipping a very large monologue.

"Steve if you think that I'm going to spend what is quite possibly the last day of my life locked away in my best friend's basement, then you're out of your mind, so either take me where I need to go, or you're gonna have to tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor, and if I live to see another day, Steve, I swear to god, I will prosecute. Hard."

Steve raises his eyebrows. "Like, how hard?"

"Harder than you are for Nancy," Lizzie quipped.

Steve started at her. "What the f-"

Lizzie and Steve had reached the car now, Lizzie trying and failing to open it. "Open the door!"

"Um, no?!" Steve said, facing her.

"I know a good lawyer," Max said quickly, standing next to Lizzie.

Steve was speechless as the two girls stared him down. Then he finally found his tongue, speaking to Dustin and getting his keys. "Henderson, that super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst."

As he opened the car and everyone piled in, Lizzie swore she heard a clock chime. She turned round, holding the car door, just before she got in, slamming it behind her.


Dustin flipped the letter over in his hands as he sat next to Lizzie, who, weirdly, didn't have her headphones covering her ears. And, more awkwardly, they were squashed in tight as Max was in the front and Lizzie in the middle. She was squeezed in close to Dustin.

They were going to her house first. She needed to set her letters to her mum and dad down in someplace they wouldn't find them until she was either dead... or going back to her house alive.

She sighed as the car stopped. "Alright, this better be fast, Johnson," Steve threateningly.

"Twenty seconds!" Lizzie shouted before slamming the door.

She was almost crying as she set the two letters down. In those letters, she had explained everything. Everything from the Demogorgon to the Mind Flayer to Vecna. Everything.

They deserved to know how at least one of their daughters really died. Possibly (probably) two.

But, as she straightened up, she saw something strange. Her mum was outside, hanging up some washing on the rail.

I have to say goodbye to her.

"Mum!" Lizzie shouted as she ran outside.

"Elizabeth," her mum smiled. "Aren't you supposed to be out with your friends today?"

"I- was. I am," Lizzie corrected herself. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Oh, I got let off early, so I'm just catching up on some stuff," Edith Johnson smiled at her eldest daughter. She still liked to call her that in her head.

So did Lizzie. She still called herself an older sister.

Anyway, now, she decided to just be honest. "I, uh... I left some letters inside. For you and... uh... and dad."

"Letters? Elizabeth, you can just talk to us, I- I don't understand," Edith was confused.

Lizzie didn't know how to play that one. "Um... I just, um... with all the murders and everything, I- I know it's stupid but I just- I started to think... what if something happens to me?"

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