sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 16

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D'you wanna know,

That it doesn't hurt me?

D'you wanna feel, how it feels?

Yeah, yeah...

Lizzie had lent Max her Walkman. Max had grieved after Billy had died, too, and also isolated herself. And Running Up That Hill had been her coping mechanism as well.

It would work for her as well.

Anyway, as Lizzie and Max searched the attic with their lanterns (which weren't flickering) Lucas searched the first floor and Erica the ground.

It was only when the girl came running upstairs with her notepad saying Found Vecna that Lizzie had any hope.

The four kids slowly walked into the living room, where Erica's lantern sat, still, on the table. Well, still apart from the pulsing, electric surging light.

Lizzie walked on further whilst the others stayed behind, eyes on the lantern. Her own started buzzing, too, when she got close.

Come and get us, son of a bitch.

She turned back to Lucas, Erica and Max to see Erica writing again.

Phase one?

Lucas, Max and Lizzie all nodded.

This is it, Lizzie thought, taking a shaky breath as she watched Erica run out to the playground with her torch.

The beginning of the end.


Lizzie sighed, her heart almost aching for Dustin as she watched Lucas and Max exchange notes in the sitting room.

I'm glad you're here! Max's paper said.

Me too! Said Lucas'.

Lizzie pressed her lips together, thoughts flipping back to Dustin.

Where is he?

What's he doing?

Is he alright?

Is he alive?

She sighed, heart almost breaking as she watched Lucas hesitantly lift up his pad for like the fifth time.

Movie Friday?

Lizzie smiled. They had been broken up for almost a year now, but still, they were together in her eyes.

Then she saw what Max was holding up.

A picture. Her and Lucas, holding popcorn and each other's hands and at the movies.

All three in the house were now smiling.

Then three flashes bust through the boarded up windows.

Lucas jumped up, flashing his torch on and off to get Erica's attention.

It did. Lizzie almost hi fived herself as she saw her in the playground, telling Nancy, Steve and Robin that they were moving on.

Right, she thought. So far... so smooth.

She righted herself, coming into the room and writing on her pad; Phase 2?

Max nodded. Lizzie looked at her. You alright? She wrote on her pad.

Max looked down. As alright as I can be she wrote.

Lizzie gave a slight nod. Right. Let's do this.

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