sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛᴡᴏ ꕥ 14

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"Oh. My. Fucking. God."

Those were the words that came out of Lizzie Johnson's mouth when she saw the huge cavern they were in. But they weren't at the 'Hub' yet; the place where all the tunnels met.

"What is this place?" Max whispered. No one answered her.

"Guys, come on, keep moving!" Steve encouraged them all. He was doing a surprisingly good job at leading the group.

Dustin and Lizzie were walking together at the back, and as everyone move on, Dustin directed Lizzie's eyes upwards. "What the hell...?"

He was looking at a sort of pulsing hole in the roof of the cavern. Lizzie didn't know what it was, but it looked-



Dustin had shouted her name as the pulsing stopped and the hole blew something out at Lizzie. She didn't know what it was, but it knocked her flat on her back, taking all the air out of her body.

"Are you okay?" Dustin immediately was knelt down beside her, offering a hand to help her up as all the others flooded in around her.

"I'm fine," Lizzie choked out. "I just- I got knocked down."

She smiled as she accepted Dustin's hand and he helped her up, both of them hurrying along after the others.

"Alright, Wheeler," Steve was saying as they caught up. "I think we found your Hub."

And they definitely had. From where they were standing, they could see another ten or so tunnels connected to the big space in front of them.

"Let's drench it," Mike and Lizzie said in unison, hi fiving.

Using the cans of gasoline and paint sprayers, they 'drenched' the Hub in the liquid. They had to cover every inch.

Everyone's hands were covered in black liquid. Everyone's backs were aching. And, by the time they were finished and they had all assembled in the mouth of their original tunnel, they were all panting and tired.

"Right, are you guys ready?" Steve sighed.

"Yep," Lizzie nodded. "Ready."

"Ready," Dustin joined.

"Ready," Lucas added.

"Ready," Mike put in.

Then, finally, Max took a shaky breath it and said. "Ready."

"Right," Steve said, matching Max's tone and taking his lighter from his breast pocket.

"Light her up," Dustin smirked, looking to Lizzie.

Steve clicked open the lighter. "I am in such deep shit."

Then he tossed the lighter into the middle of the Hub.

And in a flash, it all blew up.

Lizzie screamed and got blown back into Dustin, who yelled. "COME ON, LET'S GO!"

He picked her up as she came to her senses, and they all ran out as fast as they could.


The whole group sprinted throughout the tunnels, the fire (quite literally) hot on their heels.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Dustin shouted as they ran.

"Here, this way!" Steve hollered as he consulted the map.

The all ran, they were going to get out-


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