sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 2

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"Lizzie!" Dustin caught up with her outside the bathroom.

"Yeah?" Lizzie had really had enough of school right now. She was glad Spring Break started tomorrow.

"Come... come have lunch with us today," Dustin said hesitantly. He had seen Lizzie having her lunch; usually she just put her headphones on, read a book and ate in random places of the campus, but today, he was risking it and asking her.

He sat with Mike at what was called the 'Hellfire' table. That was basically because every Hellfire member had lunch there.

Lizzie sighed. "Okay."

However, Dustin knew he was probably overstepping the mark by offering her a hand. But when she rejected it, he still felt a little sad. She still wasn't the same.

But he got that, and he would continue to keep his distance until she was ready.


"The devil has come to America," Eddie said in a weird, mocking voice, addressing the group of people around the lunch table whilst reading from a random magazine that insulted D&D. "Dungeons and Dragons, as first regarded as a harmless game of make-believe, now has both parents and psychologists concerned."

Lizzie sighed, sitting beside Dustin at the Hellfire table as Eddie continued to mock in that funny voice. "Studies have linked violent behaviour to the game, saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even..." he put the magazine that was shielding his face down and stuck his tongue out. "Murder!"

So, people said that Eddie Munson was a freak. Lizzie wouldn't necessarily agree, but he was definitely... crazy.

He had long, curly hair that went down to his chest, a HELLFIRE CLUB t-shirt (which, to be fair, all the members wore too) on under a blue denim jacket, and skinny jeans on.

"Society has to blame something," a guy with a beard and curly hair that Lizzie didn't know said. "And we're an easy target."

"Exactly!" Eddie nodded, grinning.

"Shit, he's really revved up today," Mike whispered to Lizzie and Dustin.

"Damn!" Dustin hissed back as they tuned back into the conversation.

"We're the freaks because we like to play a harmless fantasy game!" Eddie shouted, getting up on the table to address the room. "But, as long as you're into band, or science, or parties, or a game WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!"

He went round the room listing off all the tables, then, when he finally got to the basketball jocks, they all started to yell.



"You want something, freak?" Jason stood up.

Eddie just put his hands up to his head and stuck his tongue out at Jason, who rolled his eyes and sat down, muttering. "Prick."

"He may be a prick," Lizzie murmured to Dustin, pointing at Eddie. "But Jason's a dick."

Dustin almost exploded with laughter.

"It's forced conforming," Eddie jumped down off the table. "That's what's killing the kids!" He yelled at a couple of nearby cheerleaders. "That's the real monster," he said in a lower voice, walking back to the table.

"Yeah, so, um- talking of monsters..." Dustin said hesitantly. He had stopped laughing by now. "Um- Lucas has to do his, uh, balls-in-laundry-baskets game! And-" he started to chyckle. "He's not going to be able to make it to Hellfire tonight," he quickly changed his tone at Eddie's expression. "But it's okay! It's okay... because Lizzie here has volunteered to come, and she's very experienced at D&D so there isn't a problem... yeah."

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