sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛᴡᴏ ꕥ 6

22 1 0

The gang ran all over the school. But this time was different. This time, they weren't searching for some creature. This time, they were searching for their friend.





"Lizzie! Dustin!" Suddenly Joyce Byers had joined the group and was walking towards Lizzie and Dustin. Max stood behind them awkwardly.

"What's going on, where's Will?" Joyce asked.

But before any of the three kids could answer, Lucas burst through the doors. "The field!" He painted, then took off again, this time, four hangers on behind him.

When they got out, they saw Mike with his hand on Will's shoulder, shaking him. Will himself had his eyes closed; shaking pointing upwards.

"I found him like this! I think he's having an episode!" Mike shouted worriedly.

"Will! Will! Will!" Joyce said taking over from Mike and shaking her son's shoulders. "Come on, sweetie, it's mum, come on, wake up! Please Will, it's mum, wake up! Will please, wake up, come on, wake up..."

And on and on. Lizzie, Dustin, Mike, Lucas and Max all stood by and watched. All worried.

Then, finally, with a shout from Joyce. "It's me!" Will woke, eyes wide, not speaking.

One question played on Lizzie's mind.

What did he just see?


"Okay that totally freaked me out," Max said to Lizzie as Joyce led Will to her car and they drove away. "Did that not freak you out?"

Lizzie didn't answer as Lucas, who was standing beside the two girls with Dustin and Mike, spoke up. "Two episodes in two days."

"It's getting worse," Mike said as he watched the car fade away.

"You think it's true sight?" Lizzie asked.

"What's true sight?" Max asked curiously.

"It's nothing," Lucas put in quickly.

Lizzie sighed as Max raised her eyebrows. Something was telling her that she was going to find out eventually, even though they would break the law by telling her.


"Hey, Dustin!" Flora said as she greeted Dustin at the door that morning.

"Oh, hey Flo! Where's Lizzie?" Dustin asked curiously as he peered in the house.

"Just coming- LIZZIE!" Flora hollered up the stairs. "DUSTIN'S HERE!"

"COMING!" Dustin heard the reply, then a bit of shuffling, then Lizzie was bounding down the stairs, her blonde hair flying around her head.

She shoved her shoes on as said hello, then bye to Flora, then she went to get her bike and she and Dustin were on their way.

When they got to the school and parked their bikes in the Party's usual spaces, they saw Mike and Lucas'already there, but the two actual boys were nowhere to be seen.

Until they heard Mike's voice.

"Stop being a baby and do it already!"

And Max's.

"This is so disgusting. Is this really necessary?"

When Dustin and Lizzie got round the back of the school where they heard the voices, they saw Mike and Max, both holding wooden sticks, and the bin skip they were beside being strangely loud.

Tʜᴇ Fʟᴀʀᴇ ꕥ Lɪᴢᴢɪᴇ JᴏʜɴsᴏɴOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora