sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 13

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"We need something- something to talk to them on-"

"Right! Lizzie, slow down-"

"And we need to keep it brief, because-"

"Lizzie please-"

"Holly! She has that stupid game with the pins and lights! We could get her-"


Finally, Dustin's cry made Lizzie turn. "What?"

"We know that everything is going very fast, but can you calm down, please?" Lucas requested from the table.

Lizzie rolled her eyes, but Dustin was smirking. "Yeah, you do need to calm down, but in your moment of madness, you've cooked up a plan we can use."

Lizzie grinned. "Come on, let's go."

The plan was simple. Hopefully, if they got Holly's peg light thing, put a load of pegs in it then turned it on, the crew on the other side (who could hear them, but whom they couldn't hear) would be able to reply to them.

So, right now, Lucas was diving in and taking the plug out of the socket, whilst Lizzie was getting the boxes of spare pegs Holly was lying beside and Dustin the actual screen the pegs went into. Right now Holly was making a rabbit.

Lizzie sighed as she watched Holly yell as she got her toy taken off of her. "Hey!"


"I'm sorry!"

"For your understanding," Erica ran in with a bag of Skittles and placed them in Holly's hand, running to catch up with the rest of them.

"Right, come on, come on!" Meanwhile, they were now up in Nancy's bedroom, hurriedly jamming pegs into the screen to cover the whole thing.

"Right, go, go, go!" Dustin yelled to Lucas after they had finished. Said boy took the plug and lunged for the socket, lighting up the whole board.

"Alright, you guys seeing this?" Dustin asked into thin air.

Then, suddenly, the pegs glowed brighter. Someone was making them glow.

"Holy shit!" Lizzie yelled whilst Dustin grabbed onto her, hugging her; in awe that the plan worked.

"Ha, ha, ha! Yes!"

"Alright!" Dustin then shouted, getting over the glee. "We're not moving it but we're gonna unplug it! Stand by!"

He signalled to Lucas, who was still by the socket, and he instantly pulled the plug out.

"Okay, try it now!" Dustin shouted again.

Slowly, the letters came.




"I..." Dustin grinned. "Hi!"

"Hi!" Lizzie also yelled, completely in awe.



"That worked!" Dustin yelled in confirmation.

Shit, yes!

Then more letters...


"S... T... U..."

"Stupid? Stupid?" Dustin frowned. But then more came through-


"C... K..." Lizzie finished. "Stuck? You guys are stuck?"

"Yeah, they're stuck in the Upside Down!" Lucas realised with verve.

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