sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 4

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It was dark before they got to Reefer Rick's, and when they got there, no one answered the door.

"Okay, well, that's settled, he's not here," Steve gave up after a few rings of the doorbell. He and Lizzie were stood behind Dustin, whilst Max and Robin were further back.

"EDDIE! IT'S DUSTIN!" Dustin shouted, ramming on the door. "Look we just wanna talk, okay? No cops, I swear! We just wanna help!"

Lizzie knocked so hard her knuckles hurt. "EDDIE!"

As Lizzie and Dustin continued to knock and Steve to deny, Max and Robin ran along the house's walls, checking inside the dark house with their torches.



"We just wanna takk!"

"There's no cops!"


"Don't scream that!" Steve hissed to Lizzie. "God, anyone would think you were wanting to do a drug deal-"

"Shut up, Steve!" Dustin said, stepping in for Lizzie.

He's still protecting her, Steve thought, ab ironic smile growing on his face. After all they've been through, he's still protecting her. And suddenly, his retort was stopped. He was proud of his (practical) kid.

"Hey, guys?!" Max shouted, interrupting the moment. She had an unsure look on her face, and was pointing her torch at something everyone else rushed round to see.

A boathouse made of rusty corrugated iron stood down the little hill in the garden.

If he's going to be anywhere... he'll be in there.

"Come on," Lizzie said, walking on with Max. The rest, however, were hesitant. "We need to find Eddie, right? So he can tell us what happened."

This moved them along.

Lizzie sighed, reaching the shed and pointing her torch in the windows. The inside lay silent and still. No one was there.

Or so it seemed.

"Door's unlocked," Robin grinned, creaking said door open. "Hello?" She asked as she peeked in, flanked by Steve and Dustin. "Is anyone home?"

Slowly and hesitantly, they all started to look around.

"God, what a dump," Steve muttered as they looked around.

Lizzie sighed, setting about to look around, sighing as she saw that it would take a lot of searching.

She jumped a second later as Steve rammed an oar into a big box with tarp covering it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lizzie hissed, as Steve continued to jab about the tarp with the oar.

"He might be in here," Steve shrugged.

"So take the tarp off!" Lizzie shouted.

"If you're so brave, Johnson, you take the tarp off!"

Max and Robin, meanwhile, were doing more important investigation.

"Someone was here," Max said, looking at some food and beer bottles.

"Maybe he heard us," Robin shrugged. "Got spooked and ran."

"Don't worry, Steve will get him with his oar!" Dustin shouted sarcastically, standing beside Lizzie.

Steve, however, was continuing to poke the tarp. "I know you two think you're being funny but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slightes- AAAAARRGGGHHH!"

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