sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛᴡᴏ ꕥ 4

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"WILL!" Lizzie shouted as she found him, eyes screwed tight shut, sitting against a garden wall.

"Will!" With that, he jolted awake to find Lizzie and Mike, each with an arm on his shoulders. Dustin was stood behind them, also worried.

"Holy shit!" Lucas shouted as he and Max came running in.

"Okay, I'm gonna take you home okay?" Mike said to Will.

"Is this usual or-" Max was frowning.

"It's okay, I'll take him home," Mike said gently to Lizzie, helping Will up.

"Mike-" Lucas started.

"It's okay, I got him!" Mike shouted, leading Will out of the garden.

Mike said to Lizzie, who looked helpless. "It's okay, you can keep trick or treating. I'm bored anyways."

Lizzie sighed. "Thanks, Mike."

He smiled as Lucas said. "We can help-"

"No!" Mike declined angrily as he left.

"Jesus, what's his problem?" Max asked after he was far enough away.

Lizzie rolled her eyes. "You don't know shit about him."

Dustin sighed. "She's right, you don't. Now come on, we can't just waste this night doing nothing!"

They went to more houses, laughing and talking, until the clock struck nine.

"Shit," Lizzie said to Dustin. "I was told to take my sister-"

"Hey, nerds!" Erica Sinclair said as she, Flora and Tina appeared in front of them.

"Um, who's this?" Max asked.

"This is Flora, Erica and Tina, Flo's my sister and Erica's Lucas'," Lizzie shrugged. "And guys, this is Max."

"Oh, so you're the girl Lucas is recently obsessed with, that makes sense-"

"Erica!" Lucas shouted as Max laughed.

"Anyway, I have to bring you home Flora, now," Lizzie said, gesturing for her sister to come with her.

"Nooooooo, I want to stay longer," Flora said. "I got soooooo many three musketeers, they're amazing-!"

"Ah-hah!" Dustin grinned. "Your sister agrees with me! Three musketeers is the best!"

"Totally!" Flora said, hi fiving Dustin.

"Come on, then," Lizzie said boredly, gesturing Flora come along.

"Can I come, too?" Dustin asked.

"Why not?" Lizzie smiled, then turned to Lucas and Max. "Bye!"


The walk to Lizzie's wasn't long, and it mainly consisted of Flora and Dustin talking about three musketeers bars.

"They're so good-"

"No, but honestly, it's the nougat that makes it amazing-"

"Yes! Erica and Tina always say they hate nougat but it's the best!"


"Lizzie, come on, even your boyfriend likes three musketeers!" Flora said to a mortified Lizzie.

"First, Dustin is not my boyfriend," she said, face red. "And second, three musketeers isn't good, everyone thinks that except for you two maniacs!"

"Excuse me but I am not a maniac!" Dustin said angrily, but he was smiling.

Tʜᴇ Fʟᴀʀᴇ ꕥ Lɪᴢᴢɪᴇ JᴏʜɴsᴏɴOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant