sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 5

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The next day, Lizzie, Dustin, Max, Robin and Steve went to the shop that Lizzie's dad worked at to go and get some food. He had originally not sold food but now had introduced a section to his shop in an attempt to earn more money.

"Lizzie!" Robert Johnson said to his daughter as she had walked through the shop door.

"Hey, dad," Lizzie said, looking down. "We're just here for some food, if that's okay?"

"Anything, m'girl, anything," Robert smiled slightly. He was glad to see his daughter mixing with her friends again.

Little did he know that Lizzie was mixing with people for a very different reason other than to be sociable.

She sighed as she piled some Waffles into the bag. After they had tapped into the Hawkins PD with Cerebro (Dustin's radio tower), they had found out Eddie was being looked for. Hunted down.

So their only hope was to get some food for Eddie.

"Eggos," Dustin smiled slightly as he came round the corner and saw what Lizzie was holding. "Brings back memories."

"Um, yeah," Lizzie said, lifting her headphones (which had been round her neck for the past few days) back onto her head and turning the walkman on.

"Hey, could we use some butter with this?" Steve asked, holding up a loaf of bread.

"Yeah- I'll get it," Lizzie said, walking round to the fridge aisle.

It had been an accident. She had been getting butter out the fridge when her hand slipped.

And landed on a tub with Flora on it.

Quickly, very quickly, Lizzie swallowed the massive lump in her throat and picked up another butter tub.

She hadn't been aware of grabbing Dustin's hand.

"He- here," Lizzie gave Steve the butter and walked away, finally realising something.

She would never truly, fully heal.


"Delivery service!" Dustin said cheerily as he came through the shed door, the whole group following him.

Eddie exhaled like he had been looking for something else.

Anyway, as he dug into some dry cereal, Dustin said. "Right, um... so we got some good news and some bad news, which d'you want first?"

"Bad news first, always," Eddie said, mouth already stuffed.

"Alright, bad news," Dustin said. "We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you."

"Also, they're, uh- pretty convinced you killed Chrissy," Lizzie added. "Like, nothing-could-ever-sway-them-otherwise kinda convinced."

"And the good news?" Eddie was looking to Lizzie as if she had gone crazy.

She probably had.

"Your name hasn't gone public yet," Robin said hopefully. "But if we found out about you, it's only a matter of time before others do too, and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."

"Hunt the freak, right?" Eddie sounded like he was about to cry.

"Exactly," Max looked down.

"Shit..." Eddie muttered.

"So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence," Dustin was optimistic.

"That's all, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie wasn't.

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