sᴇʀɪᴇs ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ꕥ 011

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When they got to the Mall, they ran to the elevators, trying to get to Scoops to get to the cinema.

They didn't get very far.

Whilst up on the balcony, they saw about ten guards in black. The were Russian, Lizzie heard it when they spoke. And they were most likely looking for Dustin.

"Do something!" She hissed to El, as about four Russians closed in on the place where she suspected Dustin to be.

El nodded gravely, and focused.

The model car on display downstairs started to move.

Its horn started to honk, and it's wheels move.

Then, with a flick of the hand, El threw the car across the Mall, taking all the Russians with it.

And, as Lizzie limped over to the edge of the balcony, she saw them.

Dustin was there. With Steve, and Robin, and Erica and Flora!

How in the hell-

But neither Lizzie nor Dustin really cared. They just stared at eachother, as the rest of the gang came to stand beside Lizzie at the balcony.

The smile on Dustin's face-

As the crew of five ran to meet the crew of eight, Mike helped Lizzie run down to Dustin.

And when they saw each other, Lizzie suddenly didn't care about her leg and how much pain she was in, she cascaded into his arms like there had never been an argument.

"I'm sorry," Dustin whispered to her as soon as she was within whispering earshot. "I'm so, so sorry about the whole Suzie thing and about how I was so stupid. It's you, Lizzie, it's always been you I love you and-"

Lizzie cut him off with a kiss. In that moment, she didn't care that her little sister of that all her friends were watching, she just needed to do it.

"I love you too," she said, smiling, as the rest of the group caved in.

"Haha! You flung that thing like a hot wheel!" Dustin said to El as he hugged her and Mike.

"Flora? Erica? What are you doing here?" Lizzie asked, looking fully at her sister and her friend. Lucas also joined her, as Erica was his sister.

"Ask your boyfriend, it's his fault, he was the one that almost got us all killed!" Flora said, pointing to Steve and Robin too. "And them!"

"That's true, it was totally our fault," Steve out his hands up.

"Steve! Oh my god, your face!" Lizzie said, going to hug her favourite babysitter. He had a very puffy, black eye, and a busted lip, and a bloody face.

"Russians love a good torture, apparently," Steve joked, ruffling Lizzie's hair.

"I don't understand what happened to that car!" Robin said, clearly in glee.

"El has superpowers," Dustin answered.

"I'm sorry?" Robin asked.

"Superpowers, she threw it with her mind," Steve rephrased. "C'mon, catch up."

"That's El?!" Erica asked, Flora also in awe.

"They know?" Lizzie looked to Dustin.

"Yeah- er- I told them a bit," Dustin said.

"Who's El?" Robin asked, still confused.

"Yeah, erm- I'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy asked Robin.

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