sᴇʀɪᴇs ғᴏᴜʀ ꕥ 6

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"Lizzie, do you copy?" Lizzie's supercom sounded half an hour later, this time with Robin's voice.

The gang of four had got to the school just as she sky was darkening, and we're now walking down to the door so they could get to Miss Kelley's office.

"Yeah, I copy," Lizzie shouted.

"So, Nancy's a genius, Vecna's first victims date back all the way to nineteen fifty nine! Her shot it the dark was a bullseye!"

"Okay, that's totally bonkers, but we can't talk right now," Dustin had stolen the supercom again as they shoved the door open and walked down the empty, dark corridors, four torches in four hands.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Robin asked.

"Breaking and entering in a school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files!"

"Can you repeat that?" Robin asked, confused. Lizzie didn't blame her; Dustin had said it all very fast.

"Just get your ass over here, stat! We'll explain everything once you do!"

Lizzie bit her lip as she shoved the right key into Miss Kelley's door.

And turned it.

The lock opened with a click, and they slowly went in.

But whilst Dustin and Steve talked, because they had never seen the inside of the counselor's before, Max commented. "Jeez, get over yourselves, you two, it's not that exciting."

Lizzie stopped trying to fit keys into the filing cabinet. "You've been in here before?"

"Yeah," Max said, looking down. "I mean... I used to see her... just for a bit..."

"Did she call you Maxine?" Lizzie smiled slightly.

"Yeah," Max said. "And no matter how much I corrected her she wouldn't-"

"Stop, I know," Lizzie smiled, setting back about fitting keys into the cabinet. "Bingo!" She said after she found the right one.

"Holy shit," she muttered as she looked through the file dividers. Not only was 𝙲𝚄𝙽𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝙷𝙰𝙼, 𝙲𝙷𝚁𝙸𝚂𝚂𝚈 there, but so was 𝙱𝙴𝙽𝚂𝙾𝙽, 𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙳.

"What, d'you find it?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, and not only Chrissy's. Fred was seeing Miss Kelley too," Lizzie was beginning to spot a pattern...

But anyway, as Dustin shone his bigger ajd brighter torch on the files, Lizzie set to work, looking over them. Checking for similar things...

"Can I see Fred's file?" She looked up at Steve.

"Yeah," he nodded slightly, handing it to her.

And as Lizzie saw it, she knew...

SEVERE HEADACHES was written on both sheets.

Lizzie had been swallowing pills everywhere... the pain had been searing... cutting through all emotion... all feeling...


It had happened in maths the other day... Mike had asked her what was wrong... the blood had come on unexpectedly... dripping onto the page...


Lizzie had awoken every night... sometimes screaming... hyperventilating... reliving what she didn't want to... afraid to fall asleep...

"Elizabeth... what you've been through, and what you're still going through, it's a lot for anyone..."

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