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September 13

After two hours of endless working out, Brielle collapsed on the gym floor; breathing heavily. She panted and wiped her forehead that was drenched in endless sweat.

God how do people do this shit

Footsteps sounded near Brielle and she turned her head to see a girl smiling down at her. "You alright there?" The girl asked her.

"Yeah I'm" Brielle paused to take in a deep breath in order to calm her racing heart. It did nothing for her. "I'm fine just trying to catch my breath"

"I feel you but I'll just let you know that this floor is probably really dirty and I wouldn't lay on it" She told her making Brielle groan lightly.


The girl nods slowly as she lets out a small laugh.

Brielle groans again and closes her eyes. "I don't think I can get up honestly" She tells the girl who chuckles before reaching her hand down for Brielle to grab.

She thanks the girl as she helps her to her feet and Brielle pants heavily still as she stands up. "Thanks" She tells her and rans a hand through her sweaty hair.

"No problem."

"I'm Brielle by the way" She sticks her hand out to which the girl smiles and shakes.

"I'm Leilani"

"Cool" Still breathless, Brielle grabs her bag off the floor and pants. "I think I'm going to go pass out now. Nice meeting you though" She tells Leilani who chuckles in response.

"Nice meeting you Brielle"

Brielle then turns and walks to the front doors of the gym. "God my legs are killing me" She mumbles looking down at her legs that ached for her to sat down.

It was six thirty now and Brielle found herself outside of an unfamiliar Italian restaurant, stomach growling for some food. Walking inside, Brielle was instantly hit with the smell of pasta and bread as well as spices.

"Hello! Table for one?" A lady standing behind a small podium asked her. Brielle nodded her head and she was instructed to follow the lady to a nice sized booth.

"Thank you so much" Brielle told the lady as she set her menu down for Brielle to scan. The lady sent her a loving smile before leaving the table with the promise that her waiter would be with her shortly.

Brielle scanned the menu before deciding on the chicken marsala with fettuccine noodles. God everything looks so good.

"Good evening. My name is Alfred and I will be your server for the evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?" A slightly older man came up to the table and gave Brielle a soft smile.

"Ah yes may I have the mango passionfruit refresher? Also for my meal can I have the chicken marsala with fettuccine noodles. Does the meal come with mushrooms?" Brielle asked the man as she lifted her glaze to look at him.

"Yes ma'am it does"

"Perfect." Brielle handed him the menu and he repeated her order before leaving quietly after Brielle confirmed it.

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