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October 1

Brielle stood next to her car as she focused on her phone, playing a game that Christian told her about. It is called Brick Breaker and Brielle found herself addicted to it.

She is waiting outside of the international airport, waiting for Killian. The pregnant girl was dressed a cute bright yellow dress that reached mid thigh and had a v neck cut. Brielle styled her crazy hair into a half up half down do.

Killian is returning from a business trip in Portugal. Brielle didn't exactly know what Killian's job was but she didn't really care seeing how it was not her business.

He told her that he would be arriving today and Brielle decided to surprise him by picking him up from the airport.

The two of them haven't exactly talked that night they spent in the sheets of Killian's bed. Brielle didn't know how to bring it up and Killian didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

She doesn't regret that time with Killian. She just feels that it was a little fast and out of Brielle's comfort zone. She is still trying to get comfortable with the idea of sex especially after that traumatic night that left Brielle with the growing baby girl inside of her.

A baby girl.

At first Brielle didn't really care about hat the gender of her child could be but now finding out that she was having a little girl, she is overall thrilled.

Killian still doesn't know about that. She hasn't spoken to him since she hung up on him yesterday. She tried to call but he didn't answer only texted her that he was busy and he would try to call her later.

He didn't

But Brielle wasn't mad. She knew he was working and probably really busy. So she brushed it aside and decided to just surprise him today.

She looked at the time on her watch and realized that Killian definitely landed by now and probably was on his way out. She looked up and stuffed her phone in her purse. 

After waiting for another five minutes, Killian walked out with five men, dressed in all black clothes, walking behind him. It took her a second for it to register that those were bodyguards.

Brielle frowned, confused to why he needed bodyguards. And why so many?

Killian still hasn't seen her so Brielle decided to walk toward him. He was walking with a phone pressed to his ear and a clearly pissed off look on his face.

"Ты чертов идиот" Killian spat violently into the phone before aggressively hanging up. He ran a hand down his face and let out a frustration groan. You're a fucking idiot.

"Killian" A soft angelic voice called out to him. It was the same voice that caused Killian want to fall to his knees and worship the ground that she walked on. A beautiful voice that belonged to the woman that had Killian's mind occupied with thoughts of her.

He looked up and immediately met the brown eyes that pulled at the stings of his heart every time they made eye contact. She had her precious white smile playing on her lips as she stood a couple feet away from him.

Alonzo, Killian's head body guard, stood in next to him with a hard glare settling on his face. He reached for his weapon only to be stopped by his boss lifting his hand up.

"Ne levez jamais votre arme pour lui faire du mal"  He hissed at the man who immediately apologized and let go of his gun that sat on his waistband. Don't you ever raise your gun to harm her.

"Cela vaut pour vous tous ! Tu ferais mieux de ne pas lui toucher une oreille ou je vais tous vous tuer moi-même" This goes for all of you! You better not touch an ear or I'll kill you all myself

Brielle didn't know what he was saying but she couldn't deny that he looked so fucking sexy right now. She bit her lip as she watched him shout at the men. The vein in his neck was popping out making Brielle let out a delight sigh.

I need to get a hold of myself

She watched as the man of the hour began to walk to her until he stood right in front of her. "Salut princesse" He muttered to her making her grin up at him. Hi princess.

"How many languages do you know because you are always switching back and forth" She asked him curiously as she stared up at him.


Shocked, Brielle shook her head and stepped forward to wrap her arms around the large man, giving him the hug she been dying to give.

He wasted no time and hugging the small body back. Kissing the top of her head gently, something he never thought he would do until now.

Killian realized that Brielle is the only one who gets to experience this softer side of him. No one else is deserving enough to receive it, not that Killian would even give it to them.

No, that is reserved for Brielle and Brielle alone.

"What are you doing here princess" He asked her as they pulled apart from their hug—much to Killian's dismay.

Brielle shrugged her shoulders cutely and smiled up at him. "I wanted to surprise you" She adorably making Killian shake his head with a very small smile tugging at his lips. "Did it work?" She then asks.

"It indeed did"

Brielle's eyes moved to look at the men behind him before biting her lip. "Killian" She said as the thought continued to ponder through her mind. He hummed in response to indicate that he was listening. "Why do you have bodyguards and or so many at that?"

"My work can be a lot sometimes and also very dangerous so I keep them around to make sure my day goes smoothly. There is only so many of them right now because I always have that many when I'm in an airport and am flying somewhere"

It was the truth, maybe not the full truth but enough for Brielle to not doubt his answer.

He hoped.

"What do you do?" She said, her head tilting to the side some as she looked at him curious to the answer.


"Why so many questions princess?" He deflected as he stared down at her.

Brielle was confused. "It was only two"

Nonetheless Killian shook his head and turned her around, placing his hand on her back. "Let's go. I'm starving from that long place ride and need to get back to work soon" He told her as he led her to her car.

Brielle wanted to ask why he wasn't answering her questions but she chose to believe that it just wasn't her business and let it go. It wasn't her business, true but Brielle still wants to know.

She is curious and she thinks she has a right to be curious.

"Okay" was all she said and climbed into her car, in the passenger seat while Killian got in the driver's. He yelled out the window at his men in a foreign language before starting her car and driving off.

"Where would you like to eat princess?" She heard him ask. "Seafood" was what she replied with and Killian nodded his head.

"Seafood it is"

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