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August 1

Brielle stared at the white wall in front of her, her face emotionless. Many thoughts ran through her mind as she sat there on the floor of her bedroom.

"Hi mama's baby" Brielle grinned picking up Maisie Rae who smiled at the sight of her mom. Brielle kissed all over her face and smiled when Maisie let out a laugh.

"You so pretty" Brielle cooed and held Maisie in her arms as she walked to the kitchen where Killian stood making them some dinner.

"What you making?" Brielle asked walking over to Killian who pecked her lips. He kissed Maisie's cheeks with a smile. The little one reached for the man who gladly took her into his arms.

"Some fish tacos" He replied and held Maisie in one hand while he stirred the sauce. Brielle hummed in response before she went to the fridge, getting some water out.

"She looks just like you" Killian said as he stared at the green eyed princess in his arms.

"Thank god" Brielle muttered to herself as she cleared her throat. "She better look like me. I carried her big headed ass all those months."

Killian laughed and Brielle walked back over to them. She smiled at Maisie who was playing with Killian's chains. "Mama's baby I love you" Brielle mumbles leaning forward to kiss Maisie's cheeks.

"Always and forever"

Killian stared at Brielle with a broken heart. It's been two months since Maisie was taken and Brielle has been losing herself since that day. She would barely eat and sometimes it got so bad that Killian and Christian would have to force food down her throat.

Brielle wouldn't talk to him. He knows she blames him for someone taking Maisie and she had every right to. He blames himself as well. He promised her that he would keep them safe and he failed.

Maisie Rae is somewhere out there and Killian couldn't pin point her location.

He has been capturing men since she has been taken, trying to find how where she is. When the men wouldn't give him the answers he needed, they were shot dead.

"How is she?" Leilani asks her brother who joins his siblings in his office. After Maisie was taken, Killian made Brielle move in with him; not wanting anything to happen to her.

Brielle didn't fight him on it even though she wanted to. She didn't want to even be around him. She hated him with every fiber in her being. He was at the center to all of this and it led to her daughter being adducted.

She would never forgive him for that even if Maisie somehow makes it back into her arms. Once Maisie is safe, Brielle is getting as far away from Killian Drakos as she can.

"The same." Killian plopped down in his chair with a sigh. "She isn't going to get better until Maisie is back."

Leon shook his head lowly. "She's slowly killing herself brother. If we don't get her back soon, Briel—"

Killian slammed his hand on his desk angrily, cutting his brother off. "You don't think I fucking know that!?" He snapped while Leon just stared at him. "It's my fucking fault in the first place that she's gone. I been slaving myself for the past two months trying to get that little girl back to her mother. Don't."

Leilani stepped forward and tried to ease her brother's anger and guilt. "It isn't your faul—"

"Don't do that!" Killian cut his eyes at her and shook his head. "Brielle wouldn't even have to think about her daughter going missing if I wasn't in her life."

"She loves you Killian. She doesn't blame you for this. You couldn't have known." Leon says to his brother who only stares down at his desk.

"Yes I do."

The three siblings look up toward the door where Brielle stood in the opening. She had a hard look on her face and kept her eyes focused on Killian. "I do blame him because it is his fault." She says as she walks further into the room.

"Bri—" Brielle cuts Leilani off with a glare. "It's all of you fault. My daughter was taken from me because I'm associated with you all." Leilani doesn't reply, only looks away from her; knowing the woman was right. None of this would have happened if Brielle didn't know the three of them.

"Although that may be true. We are trying our hardest to find her—"

Brielle chuckle darkly as she looked at Leon. "She wouldn't even needed to be found if it wasn't for you all!" She snaps angrily as she stares at him. "Do you think I give a fuck about how hard you're trying!? My daughter is fucking missing! Someone took her, my baby girl!"

"My daughter would be safe in my arms if I had never met you." She says to Killian, turning toward him. Killian stares at her with tears in his eyes. Although he knew Brielle Mae was right, it still hurt to hear it.

"I wish I never met you."

Brielle turns around and goes to leave the room but stops just in front of the door. She doesn't turn around only turns her head some. "When you find my daughter—and you better find her—we're leaving. I'm done risking our lives for the sake of love." and with that she left the room, slamming the door behind her.

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