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September 28

Brielle awoke on the chest of the love of her life. She groaned lightly and rubbed her eyes before opening them slightly to see they were in Killian's room.

After spending their time together watching the sunset, Brielle and Killian came to his room and had a long talk about their relationship. Killian made sure to reassure Brielle about their relationship going forward.

She didn't want to move back yet so they agreed to have it be long distance for now. They both promised to try and make things work with Killian's double life and making sure Maisie is safe.

"Good morning mon amour" Killian whispers to her in his husky and raspy morning voice. He kisses her forward causing the woman smile against her as she closes her eyes once more. My love

"Good morning." She murmurs and sighs softly. "I don't want to leave this bed." She tells him as she gets comfortable on top of him. Brielle is laying between his legs with her upper body laying on his chest and lower stomach.

She doesn't know how they ended up in this position. When they went to sleep, Brielle was laying on her side and Killian was behind her holding her.

"We don't have to." He replies and runs his hands through her soft hair. "We can spend the day in here just us two."

Brielle grins at the idea and nods her head. "I like the sound of that." She whispers tiredly as her sleepiness takes over her. She falls asleep without another word and Killian isn't far behind her.

"Silly baby girl." Brielle grins as she watches her daughter play with her toy as she laughs at Sekani who trips on one of her toys. Maisie babbles her baby talk to Brielle and blows raspberries as she waves her tiny hands.

"I'm be back soon mama's baby." Brielle tells Maisie and blows her kiss. "I love you little Rae." She then hangs up as someone knocks on her door.

"Hey come on the form party is starting soon!" Leon shouts on the other side of the door before Brielle could hear his footsteps walking away.

"Always rushing somebody." Brielle mumbles as she shakes her head.

"You ready?" Killian asks her as he came out of the bathroom. Brielle looks at her appearance in the mirror and sighs.

"Yeah." She says in a soft tone as she turns some to look down at her stretch marks that peeked out of her cover up.

Killian walks over to her and stands behind her with a small smile. "While you don't see your beauty, I certainly do." He says to her making her eyes widen as she gasps.

He takes her hand and allows their hands to run over the stretch marks on her thighs before smiling once more. "Truly beautiful princess."

"I know I always been big but after having Maisie, I feel fatter and bigger than ever." Brielle confesses as tears prick in her eyes. She has always hated looking at herself in the mirror but now more than ever.

"Hey! Never use that word again to describe yourself." Killian turns her around to face him as he shakes his head. "Never degrade yourself like that." He places a finger under her chin and turns her head up to look at him. "There is nothing wrong with having stretch marks and there's certainly nothing wrong with you."

"Yes there is" Brielle sniffles as she stares into his eyes. "You don't get it. You don't know how it feels to always to be picked last because of how big you are. You don't understand how much it hurts to grow up being bully because of your weight. Or how ugly people think you are just because you're on the bigger side."

Brielle has never been this vulnerable in front of someone before. She always just use to hold it in for as long as she could. She didn't know what to do nor why she was still talking.

Brielle shook her head and moved away from him. "What am I doing?" She mumbles to herself and goes to leave but Killian grabbing her hand stops her.

He stares at her with sad eyes but he doesn't pity her. He knows how much she hates that. "Come here." He says in a soft tone making her step toward him.

He pulls her back in front of the mirror making her sigh. "Let me show you what I see" He whispers in her ear softly as he stands behind her.

"Killian I don't—"

He stops her words as his finger softly caresses her arm. "Every second inch of you is beautiful. From the stretch marks on your arms to the ones on your thighs."

He makes her watch through the mirror as his hands explore her body, touching every part of her that she thought of as fat or less than. "Your body is an art of God. Whatever you may believe in, your body is godly. It's almost like a canvas."

Brielle is silent as she listens to him. She watches as he carefully runs his fingers along her body. She bit her lip as she caught his eyes in the mirror.

"I love your body. I wouldn't be here loving on you every day if I didn't. I would worship you every second of the day if I could princess. Both physically and emotionally."

She turns around in his arms and stares up at him. There is so much she wants to say but she couldn't find the words. Killian wraps his arms around her waist softly before leaning his head down to place his lips against hers.

Brielle stands on her tippy toes as she rests her hand in his hair, gently tugging on the strands. Killian releases a small groan against her lips at the action and holds her tighter—not enough to hurt her.

He begins to walk backwards, pulling Brielle with him until the back of his legs hit the bed. He sat down and brought Brielle in his lap, not daring to break the kiss. Her hair falls around them like a curtain as her hips begin to rock against his growing shaft.

"Brielle.." Her name leaves Killian's lips in a breathless sigh. She pulls her head back some as they stare at each other, getting lost in the other's eyes.

"No one has ever made me feel good about myself like you do." She whispers to him and licks her lips softly.

"I want you to see yourself in my eyes." He tells her and doesn't hesitate to smash his lips back on hers. "The most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He told her truthfully as he grips her thick thighs in his hands.

He rubbed them softly before squeezing her ass softly. "You mean the world to me Brielle Mae Reed." He tells her before flipping them over. He rests her back on the bed sheets and stares at her with such love and adoration in his eyes.

"I love you." She whispers to him, holding his face in her hands. "More than you could ever know." Smashing her lips to his, Brielle allows her hands to slide down his chest slowly.

She grips the end of his shirt in her hands before raising it off his body, only breaking the kiss for a mere moment. Killian attaches his lips to her neck. Leaving a trail of kisses and marks as his lips travel further down her neck.

"Let me show you how much you mean to me." He tells her before pressing his lips to hers once more.

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