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October 17

"Killian" she called out to him causing the tall man to turn around and face the pregnant female. He wore a white button up shirt with a pair of grey slacks. His shirt sleeves were rolled up, exposing his many tattoos. Brielle practically drooled at the sight. His hair is still wet from his shower earlier.

"oui princesse" He replied as he stepped toward her. Brielle simply blushed at his words. She couldn't deny that hearing him speak in foreign languages with his strong accent escaping is probably one of the sexiest things she has ever heard. Yes princess

She sat down on her childhood bed and played with a strand of her hair. "We been spending a lot of time with each other which I love and I enjoy hanging out with you Killian and you met my family who absolutely love you but uh" She paused and looked at him who only politely waited for her to continue her words.

"What exactly are we? I mean we had sex and you know sometimes I feel like maybe I was just dreaming that night because you never brought it up. But then I also thought well maybe it was bad for you and if it is, I'm sorry I-"

"breathe baby"

Killian's voice instantly relaxed Brielle's anxious nerves. She sucked in a huge deep breath before exhaling slowly. Nodding her head, She began talking once more. "I just want to know what we are doing here" She finally says.

Killian stared down at her before shaking his head and leaning his head down, capturing her lips in his. "We are whatever you desire us to be. I know what I want and what I want is you."

"As for that night, you don't know how badly I wish for it happen again again and" He smirked as she blushed, hitting his chest. "Again" He finished.

"Killian" She whined and glared up at him.

Cute. He thought.

"I want you princess. I want you in more ways than one." Winking at her with another smirk, Brielle hit his chest again causing him to let out a laugh. "But we are still getting to know each other and I want to make sure you are a hundred percent all in before I make you mine baby"

Brielle wanted to say she was all in now but that would be a lie. She may like Killian but she definitely was not ready for a relationship right now, especially giving her situation.

She understood what Killian was trying to say so she grinned at him and nodded her head. "I'll like that" She says lightly.

Killian wasn't going to lie, he is definitely all in and ready to make her his right now. He's been ready since the moment he met her but he also knew that he needed to make sure she wouldn't run away when he tells her the whole truth about himself and his family.

Because I'll have to kill her if she runs away.

He definitely didn't want to but that's the price that comes with knowing who he is and not agreeing with it.

"Mae!" Her mother yelled from down the steps making Brielle's eyes widened and she quickly hurried to the door. "Yes?"

"Come on for dinner"

She yelled back a quick okay and turned to Killian who was already walking toward the door. He took her hand, kissing the back of it before whispering in her ear. "We can talk about this more later" He says before allowing her to lead him downstairs to the dining table.

"Brie!" Uriah ran to her big sister who gladly caught her in a large warm hug. "I missed you"

"I missed you boop" She says making Uriah roll her eyes with a giggle.

"I told you to stop calling me that" She whined at her sister, pulling away from the hug to look up at her.

Brielle shook her head no. "If I stop, I won't be able to do this" She boops Uriah's nose making her scrunch her nose up with another giggle. "Boop" Brielle then says with a small smile.

Uriah finally pushed away from Brielle and went to go sit back down. Brielle sat down with Killian to the left of her and her dad at the head of the table on the right of her.

"Who is this boy" Tobias asked his daughter in reference to Killian who seemed to be in a conversation with Uriah and Sekani.

Brielle grinned as she glanced at Killian before looking back at her father. "He's my friend dad" she told him before giving him a look. "Please don't embarrass me" She told him.

"How could I embarrass my first born" He said with a little smirk making Brielle cross her arms over her chest.

"Dad" Tobias then put his hands up in surrender. "Okay okay." He quickly says.

She grins in response and turns to Killian who was already looking at her. "Hi" She said to him cutely making Killian smirk.

"Hi princess" He murmured to her, too soft for the others around them to hear. She blushed at the name and continued to stare into his blue eyes.

Perfect Killian thought as he stared at the woman next to him. Absolutely and utterly perfect.

Zyair cleared his throat. "Oh—" Brielle looked away from Killian and at her brother who rolled his eyes. "Time to pray sis"

Brielle lifted her hand up and laced her and Killian's fingers together before grabbing her father's hand with her other. Everyone joined hands and all closed their eyes while Killian just stared at them all in disbelief.

"Close your eyes" Brielle whispered to the confused man who immediately shut his eyes while her father began blessing the food with prayer.

After only a few words, Killian opened his eyes to see everyone still bowing their head and had their eyes closed. He quickly shook his head and closed his eyes once more, not wanting to seem disrespectful.

"Amen" rang around the room just as Tobias finished the prayer. Brielle let go of her dad's hand only for Killian to be reluctant in releasing her hand.

"Let me fix your plate" He said, taking her plate in his free hand. Brielle opened her mouth to protest but Killian was already standing and leaning over to pile food on her plate. Trinity grinned at Killian as she fixed her husband his plate while the kids fixed their own.

"Thank you" Brielle squeaked out, clearly not use to this kind of attention.

"No problem princess" He says, still low enough where only she heard it and not her family.

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