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September 20

By the end of Brielle's shift, she was completely and utterly exhausted. All she wanted to do was take a hot shower and go into hibernation for the next few days.

Killian and his family left the restaurant about a hour ago. They were kind and so respectful toward Brielle. It was surprising to say the least. Working as a waitress for some time now, Brielle knew how rude customers can get toward waitresses and waiters.

In fact Brielle has encountered more rude customers than she has nice customers. She didn't know truly why people were always so rude or disrespectful toward those helping them but she knew that she could do the same.

Whenever Brielle went into a restaurant, café, or anything of the sorts that required someone serving her, she always made sure to treat them with kindness and tip as much as she could. She knew how hard it was to be a job like that even if people didn't care, she did.

"Hey Brie want to go get drinks with us?"

Hell the fuck no.

Even Brielle didn't have her situation, she still wouldn't have gone out with them. Nothing against her coworkers or anything but she could only stand being around them for the hours of their shifts and that's it.

"Oh no thank you. It's been a long day" Brielle told Tatyanna, her coworker, who nodded in response. "That's okay. Have a good night" She says before leaving with the others behind her.

Brielle exits the place as well, heading to Christian's waiting car. "You know you didn't have to come get me" Brielle smiled at her cousin.

Christian rolls his eyes and pulls out of his parking spot. "Oh hush Elle." He told her and drove down the road.

"How was work?" She asked him making him sigh and shake his head. "Horrible."

"Why?" Brielle dug in her purse for her house keys when she came across the white paper Killian gave her with his number on it. Brielle completely forgot about it and now she felt bad.


Hi <<
It's Brielle <<

She put her phone down just as Christian pulled up to her place. Brielle grinned thanking him before she hurried out of the car. By time Brielle got inside and set her things down, a message was sent to her phone.

>> Hello

Brielle didn't reply, setting her phone on her kitchen counter before walking to the fridge to find something to eat. She was unbearably starving.

"I need to schedule another doctor's appointment" Brielle mumbled as the thought crossed her mind. She looked down at her growing belly and sighed.

Brielle isn't trying to ignore her unborn child but she just hasn't had time to fully process her situation. Brielle has always wanted kids but not this early and not the way it happened.

"Stop!" Brielle screamed only to be slapped in return. She cried wet salty tears as she struggled against him. Her body was growing tired and she knew she wouldn't be able to fight anymore.

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