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December 30

Killan sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair staring at Brielle who laid on the hospital bed, asleep and hooked to the IV. He could glare at the bed as if it was his enemy.

A knocked sounded on the door but Killian didn't turn his head to see who it was. "Hey big bro" Leilani said as she poked her head in the room and later stepped inside.

"What do you want Lani?"

She walked over to him, staring at Brielle with a sad tight lipped smile. "Is she going to be alright?" She asked him in a soft voice, almost afraid of the answer.

"She just needs some fluids. The doctors are running tests on the baby now to make sure everything is good. He said that depending on much she inhaled, the baby could be born a little under the average weight or born prematurely." Killian replied as he sighed, running an exhausted hand over his face.

There was a pause before Leilani asked the one question thats been running through her mind. "What are you going to do bro" She asked him, her eyes turning to him.

Killian only scoffed before standing to his feet. He held a dark look on his face as he stared at Brielle. "Whoever did this better pray I don't find them" He says before turning and leaving the room without a second thought.

Killian is angry. Beyond angry.

He stood in the middle of the dark bloody room with an emotionless look on his face. Leon stood a few feet behind him, to the side, watching his brother with worry.

"I'm going to ask you again" Killian raised the hammer with a slight evil smirk playing on his lips. He looked at the half alive man who was extremely beaten and tortured by his men. "Who the fuck attacked my home?" Killian said with such calmness, the man gulped.

"I-I don't k-kno—AHHH" Killian slammed the hammer on the man's fingers, hard. He raised the hammer and did it again as the man screamed at the top of his lungs. He shook in the chair violently as he pleaded for Killian's mercy.

"Derek" The way Killian spoke his name caused the man to cry loudly as he shook his head repeatedly. "S-Sir I d-don—" Killian didn't let the man finish as he threw the hammer back and slammed it into Derek's face.

"You lie to me again and next time it's going in your skull." Killian spat angrily before throwing the hammer on the floor. He grabbed a chair from the corner of the room before he sat down in front of Derek with a dangerous smirk playing on his lips.

"Now Derek" He paused and leaned back in the chair, studying the crying man. "Who do you work for"

Derek's face was painted with his own blood as he shook in the chair, crying loudly. "Shut that fucking crying up and answer my fucking question" Killian said punching the man with no remorse.

"I-I work for you" His words angered Killian and he badly wanted to torture the man but he had to get back to Brielle. He studied the man a moment later before nodding his head at him. Derek looked at him confused but Killian paid him no mind.

He stood up from the chair and looked at Leon. "Do what you want but he better be alive when I come back." He said to his brother who smirked and looked at Derek with a evil look.

Derek's eyes immediately widened and he shook his head repeatedly. "Please b-boss! I didn't d-do anything!" Killian didn't listen to his pathetic begging and left the room. He walked to the elevator and pulled his phone out as he pressed the button.

"Hello?" Killian spoke into his mouth as he walked into the black elevator.

"Killian?" Brielle's angelic voice filled his ears, immediately bringing a smile to his face. "Where are you?" She asked him softly.

His heart melted at her words and chuckled lowly. He couldn't believe she was even awake right now. He couldn't wait to kiss his baby again and have her in his arms.

"I'm on my way to you now princess" He was over the moon that his Brielle Mae was awake finally. Killian thought he was going crazy without seeing her gorgeous every day.

"Please hurry"

There was a pause as Killian then exited the elevator and walked down the long hallway. "I miss you" Brielle admits to him in a shy voice making Killian instantly feel happy. He smiled big and chuckled.

"I miss you too baby"


Brielle laid in the hospital bed with a irritated frown. She's been awake for two hours now and all the people that came to visit her weren't Killian which angered her. She woke up yesterday and immediately asked to use the nurse's phone to call Killian.

He told her that he was on his way but Brielle spent the rest of the day, waiting for him. She knew Killian wouldn't just leave her waiting so she could only overthinking the possibilities of why he wasn't here.

A knock sounded on the door and Brielle's nurse, Amari, popped her head in with a small smile. "No boyfriend?" She asked Brielle, her thick Caribbean accent sharp on her tongue. Brielle nodded her head with a small sigh.

"He's going to show I know it" she mutters, almost not even believing her words for a moment. Amari came further into the room and did her daily routine of checking Brielle's vitals and the baby's vitals. She made sure everything was good before she had Brielle questions on any discomfort or pain.

Brielle always shook her head no and told her that she was fine, which was true. Surprisingly, Brielle felt amazing and even more thankful that her baby girl was doing alright. She felt her kicking every evening which always brings a smile to her face.

Just as Amari and Brielle were finishing their conversation, the door opened and Brielle looked over; only for her breath to hitch. Her eyes filled with tears as she watched the one person she been dying to see more than anything walk in. Coming in with a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses, Killian looked at her with a look of relief and rushed to Brielle's side.

"I'm sorry I'm late beautiful" He tells her with a small smile. He lifts the bouquet making Brielle grin brightly. "I got these for you" He murmured.

Brielle pushed the flowers away and wrapped arms around Killian's neck, pulling him closer. Killian chuckled but didn't waste no time in bringing her into his arms, gently. "I missed you so much" She cries into his neck, shaking her head repeatedly.

Killian rubs her back softly and kisses her temple. "I missed you more princess" He told her before looking down at her. Brielle pulled her face out of his neck and looked up at him with more tears falling down her pink cheeks.

"You're so beautiful" He whispers to her as he cups her face in his hands. Brielle blushes and smiles at him. "So beautiful"

"Stop" She tries to pull away from him but he shushes her with a passionate kiss upon her lips. Brielle is shocked but instantly returns the kiss, melting into his arms.

"I love you so much" Killian mutters against her lips. Brielle's eyes widened before her face breaks out into a wide grin. She pecks his lips before whispering the same words to him.

"I love you" and with that she captures his lips in another kiss and enjoys the feeling she got when she is with Killian. She feels safe and protected. She wants nothing more but to soak in this moment, praying the happy moment between them stays like this.

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