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June 16

"You look so pretty" Brielle grinned at her three month old baby girl who looked up at her with her green eyes. Maisie Rae grinned up at her mom and Brielle almost melted at the sight.

She and Maisie were on a quick grocery trip. Brielle decided she wanted to cook so she stopped here on her way home. Killian is going to meet her at her place like usual. Brielle and him had a little routine. He would always come over at night and spend the night with them before he left in the morning for work.

After Brielle made him promise to teach her self defense at the hospital, Killian instantly started teaching her the second she was healed. Brielle even started working out again with Leilani and would sometimes take Maisie with her. She doesn't know much just how to throw a good punch. She still could barely fight.

Leilani and Iva were finally married and came back from their honeymoon just a few weeks ago. Brielle was extremely happy for the both of them. She ended up sending them a gift basket. She even added some toys for them to enjoy.

"Hi baby" Brielle said happily into her phone after answering her boyfriend's call. She pushed the cart further down the aisle, looking for the items she needs.

"Hey princess. I'm on my way to your place." Killian told her making Brielle smile. Although Brielle just saw him this morning, she desperately missed him, in more ways than one.

In all honesty, Brielle has been counting the days down for her six week sex break. But when her six weeks were up, Killian got busy with his mafia life. He had to go on a trip that lasted two weeks and only just got back last week.

"Okay. I'm almost do—" Brielle paused as she saw a man in all black clothing staring at her. She looked around her to make sure he was actually staring at her and not someone else.

He had to be at least six foot. He had black hair that was covered with a black hat. He stood with his hands in his pockets and continued to stare at Brielle causing the woman to start to feel uncomfortable. The man smirked at her before walking away.




Brielle shook her head quickly. "Yes I-I'm here" She stuttered out, clearing her throat. She looked down at Maisie who was fast asleep now. "I'll be home soon." She muttered quickly.

"What's wrong?"

Brielle wasn't able to respond as her attention was stolen by the man appearing near her once more. He still was staring at her and Brielle quickly rushed the cart over to the check out line.

"H-He keeps staring a-at me" Brielle said as she put the items on the belt. She looked behind her to see the man still staring at her, just a few feet away.

"Who!" She heard Killian yell through the phone. Brielle quickly paid for her things before rushing out of the store with the cart and Maisie Rae.

"Killian I-I'm s-scared" Brielle said frantically as she checked behind her to see the man now exiting the store. "He's following m-me." She rushed out, reaching her car.

"I'm on my way baby. I'm almo—" Killian was cut off as Brielle suddenly screamed. He heard shuffling on the other side of the room before he could hear Brielle yelling for someone to let go of her. The line soon went dead and Killian sped through the streets as fast as he could.

Brielle woke up on the ground next to her car with a groan. She held her head in her hands as it felt like it was throbbing. "Brielle!" She looked up to see Killian rushing toward her.

"Killian?" She said confused as he helped her to her feet. "What are you—" Brielle paused as everything came rushing back to her. She remembered fighting the man off of her before he hit in the head with his gun causing her to black out. She remembered hearing her daughter's cries as she fell to the ground.

"Maisie?" Brielle pushed past Killian and looked at the cart to see the car seat was gone. "Where's Maisie?" She began to panic as she looked around her frantically.

Killian grew silent as Brielle began to scream for her daughter. "Where's Maisie!?" Tears pooled in her eyes and she turned to him quickly. "Where's my baby Killian!?" She yelled crying violently.

He could only stare at her, not knowing what to do. "This isn't funny! I-I w-want my baby" Her tears flooded down her cheeks and she began shaking her head. "Where is she!?" Her breathing increased as she kept looking around for Maisie Rae.

She dropped to the ground as she cried, screaming her daughter's name. Killian wrapped his arms around her and she cried in his chest. "I'll get her back. I promise" He told her as he rubbed her back in attempt to calm her down.

"They took my baby" Her body shook with her tears. Brielle never felt a pain like this. She couldn't believe this actually happened. All she wants is her child, to hold her in her arms.

"I'll bring her back to you." Killian whispered to her.

"I just w-want my b-baby."

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