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September 27

Leilani's birthday is in three days which Brielle is getting awfully excited about. They been in the Bahamas for about three days now and Brielle can say that she doesn't want to go home at all. She loves the beautiful cultural island from the music, to the dance, even to the food.

It's also been three days since Brielle talked to Killian. She has been thinking day and night about what he said. She does want to be with him, no doubt about that, but she's scared of losing Maisie again.

Killian made sure to stay away from her for the past few days. He would leave her alone minus the flowers he would at Brielle's door every morning and every night. Each flower he would attach a note that bled reasons on why he loves her. He pours his heart into writing those notes for her.

Brielle would always tear up as she reads them. She made sure to keep them in a small jewelry box in her suitcase. She would look forward to the notes and would often wait to sleep so she could read the note first.

Killian would sometimes write about what Brielle wore that day which made Brielle smile because he would include details that many wouldn't notice.

"Brie!" Brielle groaned as she heard loud knocking on her door. "Open up." Leilani yelled through the door and Brielle groaned once more.

She got up from her bed and walked over to the dood, opening it. "Yes?" She asked in a tired voice.

"We all got a free day today why aren't you dressed?" Leilani asked crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's a free day for us to do anything right?" Brielle asked as she scratches her head. Leilani nods her head so Brielle smiles. "I chose to sleep and relax." She then says before slamming the door.

"Brielle!" She didn't respond only plopped back down on her bed and was out like a light within seconds.

"Please tell me why I have to do this" Brielle stared at the sea animal with a nervous glance. After Brielle took a good enough nap, Leilani invited her out to go swim with dolphins with her, Iva, Leon, and Killian. Brielle thought it could be fun so she agreed but now that she is face to face with creature, she hesitates.

"Because it's fun. Listen they won't let anything happen to you." Leon said pointing to the employees. Brielle sighed and shook her head. "Can't believe I'm doing this." She mumbles and follows the group down the stairs and into the water.

Killian was silent during the whole ordeal. He wanted to comfort Brielle but decided it was best if he just left her alone.

Brielle swam over to the dolphin, eyeing it nervously. The trainer stood on a platform next to the dolphin. "First time?" He smiles at Brielle who nods her head.

"Don't worry. Mako here is a real sweetheart." Mako swims in a circle and squeaks his dolphin noice happily. Brielle smiles at Mako, feeling less scared of the mammal.

"Hi Mako"

"I never want to leave." Brielle murmurs as she stares at the most gorgeous sunset she has ever seen. Everyone spent the day with the dolphins before returning back to the resort. Leilani wants to check out a party later so everyone went to their room to get some rest then get ready. Brielle ended up heading down to the beach to watch the sunset. She smiles as she looks at the vibrant colors the gorgeous sight provided.

"Can I watch with you?" Brielle looked up to see Killian standing beside her. She nods before her attention turns to the water as he takes a seat beside her.

It was quiet among the two for a moment. Brielle didn't know what to think about everything while Killian didn't know what to say to her. Brielle glances at him from the corner of her eyes before she sighs. "I don't really know what I want anymore." She says with a soft voice as her eyes meet the sand beneath them.

"It's okay to not know." Killian tells her but she shakes her head.

"I love you so much Killian. I'm just scared of losing Maisie again." She tells him and runs a hand through her hair. "Those months without her were the worst thing I have ever experienced. I don't know what I would do if something like that ever happens again. She's my everything Killian."

"I know." He says and reaches down to hold her hand in his. "And please know that I never wished for you to go through something like that."

Brielle's eyes meet his and she sighs, tearing her hand from his. "I know you didn't." She whispers quietly. "I don't hate you for that. I don't want you to think that." She rushes to say.

He nods his head and smiles at her. "I know you do and I'm glad because the last thing I want is for you to hate me."

Brielle takes a second to look away from me and looks back out at the water. "I don't want to be apart either." She then says making Killian's eyes widened. "You have been with me every step of my pregnancy and even now. I love you too much to let what we have go."

"So I do want to be with you but this time I want to be completely honest with each other. I want you to keep training me because if there is an attack on Maisie again, I want to be ready." She finally turns her eyes to him and squeezes his hand. "I want to be ready for what comes with being in relationship with the Killian Drakos."

Killian instantly smiles and doesn't hesitate to bring her into his arms. "You don't know how happy that makes me." He smashes his lips to hers causing Brielle laugh before she kisses him back.

"I love you so much Killian." She tells him as they pull apart. She stares up at him with a soft smile and pecks his lips. "So much."

"I love you more princess."

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