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March 3

It's been about two weeks since Brielle has seen Killian and in those two weeks she has been completely and utterly miserable. She spent a few nights with her parents before she went to work. She needed a distraction so she been working like crazy for the last few days.

Today, Brielle had a doctor's appointment for the baby. She's excited because this her last appointment before the baby comes. Brielle couldn't even believe it, she's nine months now. Well a little bit past nine months

Her baby girl can come any minute now. She already had a name in mind but wasn't revealing it to anyone until her baby is here.

"...All we can do is hope that she turns in the next few days or weeks before you give birth." Brielle frowned as she looked at the monitor once more.

"I'm sorry I completely zoned out what you were saying. Can you repeat it again for me, please?" She nodded her head and began explain what she was saying to Brielle Mae once more.

"Right now your little one is not facing the right way. Her feet are where her head should be right now. I hope that by time you give birth, she would have turned already and we can have a smooth birth." The doctor explained before sighing deeply. "But if she does not turn by tome you are in labor then we need to go over other options."

"Like what?"

"Well there's always C-section" Instantly, Brielle shook her head no. "You can't deliver the baby breeched Brielle. There's too many risks and complications."

"I will not have my baby through surgery."

The doctor nodded her head and smiled warmly over at the pregnant woman. "It is definitely not an option right now. I just want to prepare you for what could happen if your little one doesn't turn in time. I don't want to alarm you though. She still has time to turn things around."

Brielle was silent but she nodded her head, understanding what the lady was trying to say. She sighed and looked down at her growing belly.

Please don't make this hard on the both of us, little one.

When Brielle returned home, she immediately started working on her latest project. She was building a nursery for her baby girl. She didn't have to paint the walls since Killian already did that a few weeks ago for her. He set up the crib as well and a changing table.

"I want to show you something" Killian smiled down at his girlfriend who peered up at him. Her curious eyes followed him as he turned to leave the room, his hand holding hers as he pull her to follow him.

"What is it?"

Killian lead Brielle to her guest bedroom causing her to look at him confused. "With your little one almost here I thought it was a perfect time to start preparing for her arrival." He opened the door and Brielle's eyes widened at the sudden empty room. There was paint cans sitting on the floor causing Brielle to finally notice the recently painted walls.

Brielle's eyes welled up in tears as she stared at the room. "You can decorate it whatever you would like. I just thought I would at least get the painting out the way for you." Killian said nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. He can't tell if Brielle likes the room or completely hates it.

"Oh Killian" She turns to him and crashes into his arms with sobs leaving her lips. Killian confusingly hugged her, rubbing her back.

"If you don't like it, I can paint it back. I'm sorry I thought you would like it—" Killian was cut off by Brielle tugging on the ends of his hair, pulling his head down to hers before crashing her lips into his.

"I love it and baby girl will love it too."

Brielle stared at the doorway as memories of them flashed through her mind. Her heart longed for Killian but for the sake of her child's life, Brielle resisted the urges to run into his arms.

Killian made it his mission to bring Brielle back into his life with many flowers and love letters sent to her house. Brielle loved them but she was also fed up with it all. It is hard enough trying to forget her life with the man and now he wants to invade her life even more.

Shaking her head, Brielle sighed not feeling like decorating anymore. She left the room and wobbled her way into her bedroom, growing tired. The pregnant woman laid down on her bed against the pregnancy pillow Killian gifted her just a week before everything went down hill.

"You know in just three months you will be a mother" Killian mumbled to a half naked Brielle who laid in his arms. Brielle sighed at his words and nodded her head against his chest.

"It's scary to think about."

Killian looked down at Brielle confused, silently asking why. She traced invisible circles in his chest in attempt to distract herself from explaining herself further.

"It's just—" Brielle shrugged her shoulders, realizing how vulnerable she is about to be right now. "All I can think about is that night that started this all.." Killian stared at her for a moment before realization on what she meant hit him. He gently squeezed her arm in attempt to comfort her before she continued speaking.

"To just think that if that night didn't happen, I wouldn't be here with back pain and craves like no other." Brielle added and moved a strand of her hair out of her face. "I didn't think being a mother was something that would happen to me, not especially right now."

"I know the way you got here wasn't best but I think once you meet that little one in your belly, that won't matter." Killian instantly shook his head as he realized how that sounded. "Wait wait no that's not what I meant. I mean—"

"I get what you're trying to say." Brielle Mae laughed at him and raised her body up, sitting against the headboard beside him. "You're right though."

Brielle smiled softly as she stared at her large belly bump. "You are worth everything and you deserve everything" She whispered, rubbing her stomach gently.

"I can't wait to meet you little one."

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